Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Writer offers version of Sandy Hook killings

To The Eagle:

Allow me to present a short list of things that indicate the ‘alleged’ Sandy Hook school shooting was no shooting at all, but an ‘enhanced’ FEMA drill that went viral on the national media.

The school itself had been flooded more than once and had been shut down.

Many first responders went to the wrong school, the one where former Sandy Hook students would have been.

There were portable restrooms on site.

There was an enormous number of cases of bottled water on hand.

There was a sign that said you must sign in.

A large number of people on site were wearing FEMA color coded ID tags.

Online donation sites were set up prior to December 14, the date of the shooting.

The news helicopter photographer had a high quality camera and if you pause the video you can count 26 Christmas trees that were behind the fire hall to used for a memorial display for the 26 victims. How did they know there would be 26 victims?

Gilbert Vik, Puget Island


Reader Comments(1)

GetAGrip writes:

Poor Mr. Vik! In order to get attention in the current climate of no-opinion-too-extreme-to-hold he is forced to writing letters to the editor espousing bat-guano crazy conspiracy theories rather than mildly eccentric screeds on the federal reserve and the way our money is created. I say let your freak-flag fly! The mental institutions are full so no worries there. I eagerly await further news such as Obama dines on the unborn for breakfast or ACORN is coming to infect us with Ebola. Good times!