WOW! It is the middle of October already; if you haven't cashed your fair premium check please do so as soon as possible, as they are void after 45 days.
Soon the fairgrounds will be very spooky. Jason Rainey and his crew are putting the haunted house together. Soon the flyers will be up and around town. The cost of the haunted house is $3 per person or if you would like to bring three non perishable food items you can enter for $1. All food donated will go to the local food banks. Haunted House will be open on Thursday, October 30 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Friday, October 31 from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Also in the youth building on Thursday, October 30 there will be a Halloween Carnival. So bring the kids out and play some games, take home some prizes and have a fun filled night. Some of the games include a dime toss, bean bag toss, gold fish toss, cake walk, and dart toss. Don't forget to have the kids wear their costumes as there will be a Costume Contest (age divisions 0-4 yrs, 5-9 yrs, and 10- 14 yrs) each age division will win a special prize. Bring your carved pumpkin from home and enter it into the pumpkin carved contest (age divisions 0-16 yrs and 17 and up) once again there will be special prizes for the winners. While you are at the carnival you can enter the coloring contest (age divisions 0-4 yrs, 5-9 yrs, and 10-14 yrs). Once again we have special prizes for the winners. It will be a fun filled evening so I hope to see everyone at the fairgrounds.
All the proceeds from this event will go to improve the Youth Building.
Next on the agenda is a Flea Market at the fairgrounds. November 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., we will be holding a Flea Market at the fairgrounds. Tables cost $10. At this time we have several vendors. If you would like a table please call Jean at 360-957-2460 or the Fair Office at 360-795-3480.
Your 2015 fair dates: August 20, 21, and 22, 2015. We are still looking for a fair theme. Also, the fair board is looking for a fair board member.
Hope to see everyone at the Halloween Carnival, Haunted House and Flea Market.
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