Editorial Opinion
And so we have an election upon us with measures of utmost importance.
Well, maybe.
Two initiatives, I-594 and I-591, deal with gun control. I-594 would tighten rules on gun sale background checks in a state effort to keep guns out of the hands of people with felony convictions or who have a history of mental illness, sex offenses or domestic violence. People now may take advantage of a loophole in state law that doesn't require the same level of checks at gun shows or over the internet. If the initiative passes, all sales would have the same type of background check. There are exemptions for gifts within a family and sales of antiques.
Opponents decry the measure, saying it would infringe with Second Amendment rights. The gun industry has sponsored I-591, which would prohibit the state from requiring background checks on firearm recipients unless a uniform national standard is required.
So, I guess, we'd wait for Congress to lead us.
Right. Fourteen other states and the District of Columbia haven't waited and have adopted background checks such as those proposed in I-591, and the sun continues to rise.
I doubt I-591 will pass, and I think it will draw few votes in our region, where firearms are commonly used tools. But overall, I think it has a chance to save lives.
It's interesting to note that if both initiatives pass, the legislature will have to settle the issue with a supermajority vote.
Good luck.
The stated goal of I-1351 is to reduce class sizes in public schools, a desirable end. However, it would require huge expenditures, and no one knows where the money would come from. The financial issues would add to the legislature's Herculean task of satisfying the state Supreme Court's order to fund fully basic education.
This initiative deserves a no vote.
I wish voters would elect Democrat Bob Dingethal for Congress. He's an intelligent guy with a good head for issues. However, pessimist that I've become, 3rd District vogters will probably send Jaime Herrera Beutler back to D.C., and she and her Republican teammates can continue to keep our nation from addressing its pressing issues.
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