OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is accepting public comments on digging days, catch limits and other management options for the upcoming razor clam season.
Suggestions for the 2014-15 season, which is tentatively set to begin the second week of October, can be sent by email to razorclams@dfw.wa.gov or by postal mail to: Razor Clams, 48 Devonshire Road, Montesano, WA 98563.
An overview of the just completed 2014 coastwide razor clam stock assessment and a look back at the 2013-14 season are available on WDFW’s website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/shellfish/razorclams/ .
Comments regarding fall digging opportunities must be received by Sept. 23, said Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager.
“Based on our assessments, the razor clam populations on some beaches exceed the near record levels found in 2013,” Ayres said. “We expect the 2014-15 season to be just as good – if not better than last year.”
To learn more about how WDFW assesses razor clam populations, watch the department’s video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC4fu6_8G8I&feature=youtu.be.
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