Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Vaux's Swifts in Rainier

Join the WHAS swift counting crew on Saturday,

September 13, to get a one-hour encounter

with the southbound migration of Vaux's Swifts

as they pour into the chimney of the Carpet One

building in Rainier around sunset. The birds will

roost there for the night before heading for Chapman

School in Portland and points south.

Meet at the flagpole in front of Rainier City

Hall, 1st Street & Highway 30, at 6:45 p.m.

with blanket and chair, binoculars and/or scope,

camera, and a snack. This event will be fun for all


For more information and to sign up, contact

trip leader Darrel Whipple at 503-556-9838.


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