Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's happening at the Fair?

Animal entries are due Friday, July 25

Wow, we only have three weeks until fair! Animal entries are due by July 25. You can mail them to the fair or drop them by the office. I hope everyone enjoyed Bald Eagle Day. The Fair Royalty was busy selling fair passes, raffle tickets and doing their own fund raisers. The Fair t-shirts have arrived and are for sale in the fair office.

Clean up days have been set for July 26 and August 2 from 9 a.m. till noon with a BBQ to follow. Anyone wishing to volunteer their time should come to the fairgrounds on these days. We would love to have you, and greatly appreciate all help.

A huge thank you to Astoria Ford for a donation to the "Silver Buckle Gaming Series" which will be held on Saturday of the fair. Don't forget the Karaoke contest Thursday night. Also, there are several other contests at the fair this year.

We are still looking for volunteers to work the gates. If you have some spare time and would like to work a shift, let the office know, (360)795-3480.

Fair Royalty events coming up in the next week include: Princess Courtney Zurick will be holding a Crazy Bingo at the Fairgrounds on July 30 starting at 6 p.m. Come out and support your fair royalty and don't forget to buy your fair passes and raffle tickets, as there are only three weeks until fair.

As the fair gets closer I will remind everyone that in the fair book are the days for entries. If you have questions please call the office and we will get them answered for you. If no answer just leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP.


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