News from Naselle:
The 17th Biennial Finnish-American Folk Festival will be held this weekend, the 25th through the 27th, on the grounds of the Naselle-Grays River Valley school campus. Grab family and friends and head to Naselle for history, dancing, music and fantastic food. This event is always a crowd pleaser. There is something for everyone at this event filled weekend. Check out their website and Face Book page for scheduled events and maps.
Parking can be at a premium this weekend in Naselle, so plan to car pool if you have a large group.
Westend news:
A local resident is interested in bringing a satellite food bank to the Westend, if we can justify the need. Susie Whalen will be hosting a baked potato supper at the Grays River Valley Center in Johnson Park on Tuesday, 5-7 p.m. to discuss this subject, answer questions and decide how best to proceed.
The food bank would be housed at the Grays River Valley Center and would need additional volunteers to man the project. This should be an informative meeting, as well as a social gathering for any community members who wish to attend. For more information please contact Susie Whalen at 465-2312.
There will not be a Free Friday Night Movie this week as the Class of 1964 will hold their 50th reunion at the GRVC on that evening. Here’s to a great evening, with lots of good memories.
Are you looking to learn some computer basics or having trouble learning Windows 8? Kim DeJesus will be teaching a session in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park in the Library/Computer Center on Friday at 2 p.m. If you have a laptop, bring it with you, otherwise we have computers available for you in the center. One on one help is available on Thursdays from noon to 4 p.m.
Don’t forget to attend the meeting that the Postal Service will be holding on Monday, 6 p.m., in the Rosburg Hall, to answer questions and provide additional information about their POST Plan. Local management will share the results of the survey that was mailed to everyone recently. Decisions of their finding will be made after the public meeting.
Let’s let the Postal Service know how much we appreciate our post office, and do not want it to be closed.
A look ahead for a few more events coming up at the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park: We have scheduled two more Saturday morning pancake breakfasts for the month of August on the 9th and on the 30th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. These breakfasts have been very well attended and we have had lots of appreciative comments.
On September 7 we will host a pie social with some entertainment as well. If you would like to donate a pie or two, please contact Steve Ramsay at 465-2731 or me at 465-2960.
The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets at the Rosburg Hall each week for a home cooked meal, prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. Lunch is served at noon.
On Thursdays, CAP also provides a senior meal at the above location, and it is served at noon.
Happy Birthday to Kyle Johnson, Louise Beck, Teresa Wood, Kyler Rogers, Linda Thompson, Larry Sherk, Donna Oman, Donna Linstrom, Michael Harley, Gloria Clark, Kayti Nelson, Norma White, Richard Ellis, Danetta Rogers, Ken Chapman, Chris Cary, Pat Nelson, Miriam Galbraith, Gene Strong, Diane Mattson, Shirley Herrold, Kyryn Jacot, Corina Lee, Brendan Wallace and Bryon Adair. Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Ike and Pat Howerton, Terry and Kim Tarabochia, Ken and Susan Chapman and Quinn and Amber Donlon. Wishing you many more celebrations together.
We are looking forward to a visit with some of our California family this week, kids and grandkids as well as a nephew. I’m not sure they want to come and visit with us or just to see our 10 new baby puppies that were born last Friday.
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