Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


No. 14-71



Per RCW 79.100, the WA Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) intends to take custody of twoabandoned vesselsonJuly 9, 2014 (Custody Date). Thevessels aresunk in Deep River, near Naselle, Wahkiakum County: (1) a 30-ft EX-COAST GUARD VESSEL adjacent to 207 E. Deep River Rd,(2)a 158-ft STEEL VESSELadjacent to 96 Waranka Rd.After taking custody, DNR may use or dispose of them without further notice. The ownersare responsible for all related costs. To retain custody of the vessel, before the Custody Date, the owner(s) must:Remove the vessel(s) from the water. To redeem the vessel once DNR has taken custody, the owner must file a written request (one original and one copy) for a hearing with the Pollution Control Hearings Board, in person at 1111 Israel Rd,Tumwater WA, or by mail to PO Box 40903, Olympia WA 98504-0903, and serve one copy onDNR’s Aquatic Resources Division at 1111 Washington Street SE, MS 47027, Olympia WA 98504-7027. The appeal must include the following information: a copy of the decision you are appealing; your name and address (mailing and legal, if different) and, if applicable, the name and address of your representative; a daytime phone number; a brief statement why you are appealing; a statement of what you want the Board to do; the signature of you or your representative. [This signature certifies that the content of the appeal is true.] The written request can be submitted immediately but cannot be filed any later thanAugust 6, 2014(Appeal Date). The right to a hearing is deemed waived if a request is submitted late, and the owner is liable for any costs owed to DNR. These costs may includeall administrative costs incurred by DNR, removal and disposal costs, and costs associated with environmental damages directly or indirectly caused by the vessel. In the event of litigation, the prevailing party is entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. DNR reserves the right to pursue any other remedies available under law. For more information, contact the Derelict Vessel Removal Program at (360) 902-1574 or

Publish June 26, 2014


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