Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Saturday pancake feed raising funds for center

News from Naselle:

One more month until Naselle becomes the home of history sharing, delicious food, heartwarming music and stories, dancing, and just plain fun for the whole weekend. Mark your calendar for the upcoming Finnish-American Festival, to be held on July 25, 26 and 27. Bring the whole family as there will be something for everyone.

Westend news

The Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park is sponsoring their first Country Pancake Breakfast on Saturday from 8 to 11 a.m. Bring the whole family and enjoy pancakes, cheesy eggs and sausage with milk, coffee and tea. A suggested donation of $5 a plate, served in the cafeteria of the old Rosburg School building. Proceeds from this event will be used for ongoing operating expenses, as we are funded by donations and fundraisers such as this one and have no paid employees. We receive no money from the county. Hope to see you there.

Local resident Georgene Scott has once again opened Scott’s Country Barn in Rosburg. Check out this beautiful old barn filled with treasures for sale. She has lots of collectibles and antiques, which make very nice gifts. Hours are Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m., by appointment or by chance. Turn south off SR 4 West at Altoona/Pillar Rock Road and follow the signs.

The next Free Friday Night movie at the Grays River Valley Center will be shown on July 11, that’s not for a couple of weeks. Our summer schedule is to show movies the first three weeks of each month and with the Fourth of July holiday on a Friday, we will not be open. That also means that there will be no show this week.

Please join us again on July 11 for a kid friendly recently released show about Emmet, who is an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly underprepared.

Remember our movies are free, shown on our big screen with surround sound. Concessions are available for very reasonable prices including a free refill on your popcorn. For information on what movies are coming up, please call 465-2310 or stop by the Grays River Valley Library located in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park and pick up a flyer with a whole list of summer movies.

At least three individuals in our community are interested in learning more and sharing their insights and expertise on genealogy. They would like to get together with other like minded folks, and maybe learn more. Are you interested? If you are, please contact Judy Durrah at 465-2331 or call 465-2310.

Looking for a fresh cup of coffee, and some good conversation with your neighbors? The Grays River Valley Library is open every weekday morning at 8 a.m. with a fresh brewed pot, nice comfy sofa and chairs, magazines to read or just enjoy a little gossip or engage in ways to fix all the problems of the world. Coffee is free but donations are greatly appreciated.

Happy Birthday to the following: Sawyer Wirkkala, Doug Miller, Quinn Donlon, Reiko Dziados, John Larson, Mitzi Hunter, Lynn Boyle, Amber Haataia, John Hess, Adelynn Meghan Crozier, Henry Varila, Garth Ullakko, Madison Headley, Samantha Donlon, Andrew Nortrup, Keegan Magee, Don Raistakka, Jason Stephan, Debbie Welsh, Jennifer Smith, Dan Wilson, Cherise Bjornsgard, Jamie Eastham and Stacey Agee. Wishing each of you a wonderful celebration.

Happy Anniversary to Joel and Noreen Fitts, Jon and Stephanie Gudmundsen, Rod and Darlene Ammer, Wilho and Kaisa Saari, Cliff and Kaye Weimer and Brad and Crystal Lanz.

A special Happy Birthday to my friend and neighbor, Judy Durrah. You are an invaluable member of our community, always willing to volunteer your time to help others. The Grays River Valley Library and Community Computer Center appreciates everything you do and have done to keep these two programs available, and you make the best cookies ever. Wishing you a perfect day, good health, today and everyday. Happy Birthday, my friend.

The Fourth of July is just around the corner, and everyone knows that means fireworks. Every year many pets are lost after being frightened by the commotion and the noise. Personally, I have four large dogs who really don’t like fireworks or the sound of guns, so I take special pains to make them more comfortable when those sounds are happening. Each pet is different, so make them comfortable in an area where they feel safe, and there are medications available from your vet that can keep them calm. It is heartbreaking to see an animal on the road, disoriented and scared to death after experiencing fireworks. Play it safe with your pets, protect them during this holiday weekend.

It looks like this year won’t be the huge gathering of family and friends for the Fourth of July that we normally experience, although we hope to have a few of them. It’s kind of sad, but hopefully we will have visitors on a more spaced out schedule this year as their free time allows.


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