To The Eagle:
In response to Dixie Kolditz’s accusation of lying (Letters, June 5), I need to set the record straight.
Why would I ever need to make up accusations against Jaime Herrera Beutler when her voting record is as awful as it is? On the campaign trail, I have asserted that Herrera Beutler violated her promise to cut up the credit cards in DC. In fact, she has voted to increase the debt limit. (Roll call vote #550 10/16/13) .
She has indeed voted to give the president of the United States the power to detain indefinitely an individual that the President accuses of being associated with terrorists. (Roll call vote #375 5/26/11, and #234 5/22/14).
I think it is rather disingenuous to imply that Herrera Beutler’s most recent vote against the debt limit increase is the only one that matters. They all matter. We need representation that will defend our rights consistently, not just when it is convenient.
The record is clear. Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler has reneged on her promises, and most definitely not defended individual rights.
Michael Delavar, Candidate for Congress, Washougal
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