Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Last call to enter Grange contest

MIXED WEATHER--Folks went to bed last Wednesday night with a little standing water but by Thursday morning, it was overflowing everywhere with some driveways underwater and the high streams running a mucky brown color. Thankfully we had some sun breaks off and on Thursday, which gave some of the water a little time to flow out, as it wouldn't have taken long before we'd be driving the "tall" truck to get out of West Valley and other low lying areas. By Saturday night, the downpours returned and very early on Sunday morning, I thought we were going to need skis as the hail came down so hard and thick, that the ground turned white! I even saw lightning in one of the clouds hovering over Middle Valley later that day, so we've definitely had a little of everything lately. Forecasters say that we're not only going to get some sunshine, but some heat to go along with it, so while it's tempting to "soak it all up," be careful that you don't wind up "burning up" as that's no fun, and is not healthy either

SPECIAL DAYS--OOPS--You might have noticed that in last week's column, I tried to hurry time even faster, as I said "May 24 - 30" as dates for my list of birthday folks. However, it didn't take long and faithful readers, like Kerrie McNally, informed me of that error. She was very forgiving in the fact that she knew I had probably meant to say April and not May. I did forget to mention her daughter's name, so a belated but truly heartfelt wish that Marie Allen enjoyed a marvelous 25th birthday!

Now, for the real May listings! Those celebrating birthdays during the first week May are Ricky Montgomery, Connor Emlen-Petterson, Rosie DeBraie, Sweet Pea Snow, Marie Snow, Stephanie Moonen, Orville Lindsey, Misty Havens, Scott Holland, Erval Cooper, Matthew Freeman and grandson, Austin Good. Happy Birthday to all!

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mark Whitaker and wife, Shannon, Gary and Sandie York, Treasure and Michelle Collupy, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Blix, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Everman, Mr. and Mrs. Monte Robinson, Lonney and Jan Kubacki and Matthew and Katrina (Pedersen) Freeman.

SYMPATHIES--We want to send our sympathies to Elaine Lindsey and family as the first day of this month would have been her and husband, John's anniversary but sadly, he passed away last week. John and his family were some of the first neighbors we met when we moved out here to West Valley, and his only son, JR, had been a favorite of ours since meeting him when he was just a little guy. Both John and JR were active in our Skamokawa Fire Department before their deaths and John was still a fire commissioner here. Now John and his son are together again, and I'm sure they're swapping stories beginning with "remember the time when.....?" Again, our condolences to all John's family and friends. At his request, there were no services, but a few close friends and family members were getting together this weekend.

We ran into our former neighbor recently, DeDee Crouse, and while it was good to see her, we soon learned that her visit to the west coast from her new home in New York, was not a happy one. Sadly, her mother, Cathlamet resident, Linda Bunce, passed away on April 15. We certainly send DeDee and her other family members our sincerest sympathies.

A service for Anna Giaver was held last Monday, as she passed away on April 22 at the age of 89. We offer her husband, Paul, and all their family and friends, our sincerest condolences.

Beings I had another commitment, I could not attend the special gathering that was being held for Thea Pyle this weekend but from what I was told, there were hundreds of people in and out of the Pyle's home throughout the day. Some said they had planned to attend but with the massive amount of cars and people already there, they opted not to try and squeeze in, so you know how well loved Thea was by the outpouring of support that Bob received this past weekend. She was truly a special person and all that knew her were truly saddened by her passing in November.

ANOTHER BIG WEEKEND--This Friday and Saturday are pretty busy with openings at the P.I. Farmers Market and also the big ribbon cutting of the new Drop Anchor Brewery at the Elochoman Marina, plus its grand opening the following day. There's also a pipe organ recital at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Saturday, May 3, at 6:30 p.m., by Jeff Fox, so there's an evening out for those who like the sound of a good pipe organ.

Also opening up for the season, is our Wahkiakum County Historical Society's Museum on May 3 and it will be open Saturday and Sundays from 1 to 4 until the last weekend in October. The new display at the museum this year is a dock and net house, thanks to the construction done by Greg Kandoll and Franz Eykel and lumber donated from the old Warren Cannery by Chris Doumit, so it will be a must see. A big thanks goes out to those folks who have worked so hard to get things done over the winter and start this new season off with such a fantastic display. Kari Kandoll can always use a hand at the museum, so if you'd like to do some cleaning, etc., be sure to give her a call, as I'm betting she'll be there working like crazy today and tomorrow before Saturday's opening!

NORSE HALL--Just a reminder that the Sons of Norway will be holding their first meeting of the month on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Norse Hall. Also, on the second Saturday of the month, May 10, they will be having Bingo, so you're all invited to come and try to win a cash prize! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with games starting at 6 p.m., and food items available to purchase.

FAMILY GATHERS--Last Saturday a group of Pedersen, Madsen and Finkas families gathered together in Longview for a baby shower for Kendra and Ty Finkas who will be having their first baby in a couple of months. After seeing the array of gifts unwrapped, the little boy will be decked out in fine fashion for sure. These kinds of gatherings are always fun as I get to see the relatives I don't get to see too often, especially after our Christmas gathering got cancelled due to bad weather last December. A very cute idea was presented by the upcoming Grandma, Lori (Pedersen) Finkas, as she had goblets with pastel M & M's in the bottom of them, and then nestled a cupcake on top of the candy, which had fluffy white frosting on them, and were topped with blue sugar booties, so those were really a clever and attractive display on the table, not to mention, Yummy!

CONGRATULATIONS--After 39 years of teaching, my cousin Pamela Priestly is retiring and we want to send her our hearty "Congratulations" down under in Australia! Even though she's officially retiring this Friday, she still says she'd be willing to be a substitute once in awhile, so she's definitely got teaching in her blood! We hope she enjoys some "me" time first however, so we wish her well as she enjoys this much deserved break from school!

GRANGERS MEET--The Skamokawa Grange #425 met last Monday and enjoyed another tasty, well-balanced potluck prior to the meeting. With Spring and Summer coming our way, we find ourselves scrambling to find enough weekends to do grange things, fund raisers, attend other fund raisers and a ton of community and family events, so we'll all be spread pretty thin in the next few months. We do want to give notice that our first meeting in May, which would normally be held May 12, is going to be cancelled due to the grange being rented out at that time, so our next meeting will not be held until May 26. If you have any questions regarding renting the grange or meetings, you can call Jessica Fletcher or me at home.

If you want to enter anything in the Grange's Spring Contests, you only have a couple of days to get them entered, so please contact Donna Moody (360-465-2253) for all the details as things from this area need to be taken to the Long Beach Grange on either May 2 or 3.

VENDORS' MARKET--Speaking of the Skamokawa Grange, we are still looking for some vendors to come into the grange hall on June 28. The grangers will be giving away one girl's and one boy's gift bag with kites and things, so all you have to do is show up and sign up. It's free, but you will have to be there at the time of the drawing. We will also be selling tickets for our huge holiday basket drawing that will be held in December. It is guaranteed to have at least $300 worth of items in it, so it will make a fantastic gift for the lucky winner, who does not have to be there to win. There will also be other gifts to be given away during the holiday dinner as well, so if you don't win the big basket, you could still win a nice gift. Anyway, contact me at 795-3425 if you'd like to be in and out of the weather on June 28 and sell some of your craft work. Tables are just $10.

TAKE A PICTURE--We hope you'll go out and take a picture on Saturday, May 3, somewhere in Wahkiakum county or Naselle and enter it in The Eagle's photo contest. All the details are elsewhere in The Eagle or call the office to find out more but photos must be submitted by May 14, so get those cameras ready and you could win a prize!

OUT OF THE PAST--This first week back in May of 1944 was super nice all week long with temperatures getting quite hot at the beginning of it. On one of those warmer days, grandparents, Ralph and Elsie Everest headed to do some shopping in Astoria on the Imperial; "the" way to get there back in those days. Unfortunately, the boat broke down and they had to be towed to shore by some Skamokawa fishermen, where their daughter Carol Pedersen picked them up. Undaunted, they drove to Puget Island where they boarded the ferry to Westport, and then a bus to Astoria. For the trip home, they took a train, a bus and then their daughter's car again, so it was quite an ordeal just to go shopping. While they'd had a long day, they still went for an evening walk after it cooled down and both slept quite well!

Back in 1949, the first week of May began wet and cold and very windy, but the last two days finally brought some nicer days. That particular sunny day was on May 7, which was perfect for the wedding of Katie Lund's daughter, Dorothy to Eldred Penttila of Naselle. Earlier that week, a meeting was held of the joint Cowlitz County Electrical Apprentice Council, where 13 men were given their award certificates for the completion of the course. Among them was George Everest, eldest son of the Ralph Everests. On one of the cold and rainy evenings, Grandma Elsie went to her friend Mary Ann's house and they worked on the Pocahontas books until late. The Wests took the Everests to Longview one day that week where they visited family members and went to a show and dinner. Visiting from Ashland, OR that week were Dale and Elva Walker as well as George Walker. Dale had once been the Cathlamet Pacific Telphone's agent manager; they were Grandma Elsie's brothers.

In 1949, the week began nice, then rained a couple of days, but it was very nice and even hot by the end of the week. Patty Everest was in the hospital with pneumonia that week and her cousin, Kay Pedersen was off to the doctor with some terrible congestion in her chest. The Everests had returned from a month long vacation back in Minnesota but were happy to find the telephone office well taken care of while they were gone. They got right back to work upon coming home and were very busy in the office that entire week. All this according to my Grandma Elsie's diaries.


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