Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


No. 14-44

Budget Extension Hearing

Notice is hereby given that a budget extension hearing

for the 2013-2014 Capital Projects Fund and 2013-2014

General Fund of Wahkiakum School District No. 200,

Wahkiakum County, Cathlamet, WA., will be held at theWahkiakum High School library on Tuesday, April 22,

beginning at approximately 5:35 pm. This hearing will

be incorporated into the initial part of the regular April

school board meeting.

Everyone is welcome to appear at said hearing and beheard for or against any part of such budget. The extensions are necessary in order to include unanticipated costs regarding the district’s energy savings project. The Board of Directors will meet following the hearing in the regular meeting to consider adopting the extended budgets.

Copies of the district extended budgets will be on file in

the school district administration office by April 18. Copies will be furnished to any person who calls upon thedistrict for it.

Bob Garrett, Sec’y

Board of Directors

Wahkiakum School District No. 200

Publish April 3 & 10, 2014


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