Just when you think the worst is over as far as storms are concerned, here comes another one with lots of rain. This time it has filled our field to the brim and Lake Fred is back, great for the ducks but not for driving in or out the driveway. Looks like we are in for a couple of days.
The dogs are happy campers, as they like to hunt the mice that climb the trees. It’s almost like picking apples off the tree. Unfortunately they come in with wet and muddy feet. Oh well, I guess that’s why we live in the country, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
On a positive note, the frogs are back and singing during the non rainy hours. I love to leave my windows open and listen to their chorus. They tell me that Spring will be here sometime soon.
News from Naselle:
Participation in a sport is an important part of most of our kids growing up process. For those who do play in a particular sport, it is usually with a passion and they deserve to get some recognition for their efforts. Won’t you join with the school and student body in helping to recognize those kids who have put their heart and soul into the winter sport program at the presentation of awards on Monday, the 24th at 6 p.m.?
Don’t forget the local blood drive on Tuesday, the 25th at the Valley Bible Church from 1-5 p.m. being coordinated by the Red Cross and local student, Grace Zimmerman
To make an appointment and donate, go to: http://www.redcrossblood.org and use Sponsor Code: valleybiblechurch or contact Grace Zimmerman at 360 465-2168.
It’s time to start thinking about your spring gardening, well maybe you should wait until the water recedes from this week’s storms. Get a head start with Baker Creek Heirloom seeds, which are available now, non-GMO organic, at the Deep River Camp Store on SR 4 near Salme Hill in Naselle. Plantings will also be available in early spring, including tomatoes, carrots, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, green beans, yellow beans, peas, beets, Brussel sprouts, broccoli and cumbers. For more information please call 360 783-2638.
Other news from the Westend:
The Grays River United Methodist Church Friendship Circle’s Luncheon and Bazaar will be held this coming Saturday, February 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Enjoy beef stew, cheesy bread, a beverage and home made desserts in the social hall of the church located on SR 4 West in Grays River near mile post 18. Leave a free will donation for the meal which will be used by the group to further their efforts in the community and the church. The event will also include a bake sale and also new and repurposed items for sale at reasonable prices.
If you prefer to do take out, that option is also available. For more information regarding this event please call 360 484-7749. To call for take out orders the day of the sale, call 360 465-2391.
Tickets are now on sale for the 2nd annual Spaghetti Feed to be held on March 22 in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park. Tickets are $10 each for all you can eat spaghetti with salad, bread and beverage. You can purchase your advance ticket from a board member, in the Grays River Valley Library/Community Computer Center, at the Rosburg Store or by calling 465-2310.
The event will also have several nice raffle items at the dinner. Raffle tickets will be sold at the dinner or can be purchased in the Grays River Valley Library. A list of raffle items will be included in next week’s column. All the proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for ongoing projects and operating expenses for the center.
It’s coming down to the wire to get tickets to the annual Crab and Oyster dinner and dance being held at the Rosburg Hall and sponsored by the American Legion Deep River Post #111 on Saturday, March 8 from 6 p.m. to midnight. Only 200 tickets are available so you may want to make your purchase soon as this event is always a sell out and lots of fun. The evening also includes a wonderful raffle with great prizes, delicious food and good music. Thanks to the American Legion guys for all your hard work to make this event happen year after year.
For more information or to purchase your tickets you can call Ken Elliot at 465-2274, Nick Nikkila at 465-2595 or Dale Rose at 465-2234.
If you are interested in learning about buying or selling items on E-bay, you can take advantage of a free class on how to do just that at the Grays River Valley Library/Community Computer Center on Monday, March 10 from 1-3 p.m. For more information contact Ramona Collver at 465-2597.
The free Friday Night movie this week at the Grays River Valley Center is about a Texas electrician who is diagnosed as HIV positive and sets out to provide treatment for himself and others afflicted with the disease. This film has been nominated for an Academy Award. The show starts at 7 p.m.
Concessions are available with popcorn (with a free refill), pop, candy and coffee for reasonable prices. Bring a friend and enjoy a comfortable evening with friends. Kid friendly shows are provided on the first and fourth Fridays of each month, so mark your calendar and bring them with you
Five members of the local volunteer EMS crew with Wahkiakum Fire District #3, traveled to the Great Wolf Lodge for a 3-day EMS Council Seminar with training. The volunteers were Shannon Maki, Kevin Maki, Tom Hammonds, Tina Hammonds and Thomas Hammonds. They participated in lectures and training sessions having to do with pediatrics, issues with elderly people and how medications can sometimes cause problems with falling and what to do to make their homes a safer environment, learned more about child safety seats and how air bag systems have changed in the newer cars, making some of our older habits unsafe for everyone in the car.
As an added bonus, the 200 attendees participated in an active shooting training with kids staying at the lodge (after parental consent was provided), who were acting out situations involving a shooting with full makeup. The trainer for this activity was Sgt. Troy Anderson with the Connecticut State Troopers, who discussed the differences in response at the Sandy Hook shootings compared to the Columbine shootings and how lives were probably saved by a quicker response.
Thank goodness we have dedicated EMS personnel who are willing to give of their time and put in the effort to learn how to keep our community a little safer. We certainly appreciate each and every one of you.
The Senior Wednesday Lunch Bunch meets every week at the Rosburg Hall for a home cooked meal prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. Lunch is served at noon.
On Thursdays, senior meals are also served at the Rosburg School and are sponsored by CAP.
Happy birthday to the following: Paul Wirkkala, Audrey Ullakko, Rhonda Warra, Logan Leaf, Rowena Ehrlund, Mike Queener, Judy Indermark, Cortney Engelson, Gary Nelson, Craig Mattson, Marsha Woods, Jackie Sotka, Shannon Tetz, Shirley Miller, Barbara Tienhaara, Stephanie Forbes and Hayden Gudmundsen. Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Jon and Norilyn Pakenen and Danny and Amber Parker. Wishing you many more celebrations together.
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