Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Fatal flaw exists in money system

To The Eagle:

There is a fatal flaw in all money systems where money is created as debt with an interest charge attached.

What is the flaw? The only money created is the amount of the principal; the money required to pay the interest is not created. Therefore each borrower, to be fair to all borrowers, should borrow even more money to pay the interest which also has an interest charge attached. This cycle goes on perpetually. Over time debt accumulates to an overwhelming amount. It can bury even nations as we are witnessing on the global stage, even ours.

This result is a mathematical certainty. No other outcome is possible using this system.

How did I find this out? Read my book “Congress, Banks and the IRS” available on Amazon’s Kindle store.

It took me 20 years of searching to find the cure. Each nation’s government must put an end to bank created, debt based money and create its own money as a credit and spend it into circulation.

Gilbert Vik, Puget Island


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