To The Eagle:
I was a Wahkiakum County 911 dispatcher and corrections officer for 14 years. During that time, I had the pleasure of working with Detective Mike Balch. I have seen Mike work many cases. He has the heart and compassion that Wahkiakum County needs as a sheriff. He has played the leadership role many times, unknown to the citizens of the county. When the sheriff and undersheriff have been out of town, Mike has been in charge. I have watched Mike in amazeAment during horrible calls or arrests. He is honest, professional and a leader in so many ways. I cannot say enough, please consider Mike with your vote in November.
Mike knows the county with his eyes closed. He remembers cases from years ago. The deputies go to him for advice and opinions. Mike also knows the law. I can assure he will be a working sheriff; you will see him working.
Please just think who you have seen in the public through triumph and tragedy. I can assure you that Mike Balch has helped the community out during floods and other tragedies in our community. I have witnessed him with children when they have lost a parent, or like myself, losing a father. Mike is so honest that when my dad passed away, he asked to meet with Mom to give her Dad's personal belongings that also included some cash.
He has a heart. He loves Wahkiakum County. One of the very last chats that Mike's son and I had consisted of, "The last of the good guys is Dad," said Jonathan.
I still have friends in the sheriff's office. I question leadership roles currently in place. Why does a dispatcher work until 10 p.m. and then come back to work at 6 a.m. one day every week? That is an eight hour difference. Do you really want dispatchers in there with only eight hours in between shifts?
I write this with my heart; please just consider my words.
Kelly Nettles Recupero, Melbourne, Australia
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