To The Eagle:
What are the people running this country and the world doing?
I have coined a term, “Democanunist.” If it is not readily apparent, this is a blend of Democrat, Republican and Communist. They are all involved in the political arena and appear to be feathering their own nests with no regard to the results and consequences of their actions.
Please note: I acknowledge there may yet be people who are still trying to abide by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights; people who are trying to live honest and straight.
It appears the order of the day is tax anyone still trying to produce a valid product out of existence as fast as possible and waste all the tax collected so as to bring the US and global economy to extinction and place full and total control of the world in the hands of a few highly placed Democanunists.
Along the way those pesky concepts like rights and freedom shall perish from the earth just as fast as it can be done without causing open revolt from the populace.
It is up to each individual to agree or not with Democanunist type activity.
My question is, what will it take to create a society where honest people have rights and freedoms?
A society that has both freedom and agreed upon rules and laws so that society can function as a team aimed at the best possible survival for the group as well as for the individuals within the group. What would that take? How would you do that?
My personal goal for writing this is to hopefully get people to see and think about what is really going on in the world. And ideally do something constructive to help create a better society. Even if it is nothing more than just providing help and friendship to someone in need.
I have heard it said, “The only wrong thing to do is nothing!”
Ben Elkinton, Cathlamet
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