Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Last days of fiber arts display

GRAY--We began this week with a little grayer weather and a couple of light sprinkles. However, by the time the work week began, we may have started dry and sunny but my mid-afternoon, it got pretty doggone wet out here in West Valley. Good for the plants and the fire danger, but not so great for those outdoor chores, like putting on a new roof or tending to ones' garden. It sounds like we've got a mixed bag of weather coming this week, with some sun, some clouds and some showers, so if you've got some dry time, you'd best be taking advantage of it when it's here.

It is getting dark a lot earlier, so I'm sure you've noticed that your outdoor activities must come to an end a lot earlier now. It is also a good time to check those headlights, as I'm seeing a lot of people out there with just one headlight or one running light, so now's the time to fix that before our really long, dark days fall upon us. It's hard to believe that at the end of this week, it will also mark the end of another month, and school will begin. Talk about a year that's flying by!

JUST RIGHT--My neighbors and newlyweds, John and Nicole McKinley, timed their wedding last Saturday just perfectly, as there was a bit of a shower in the early morning hours, but by the time they got hitched at 1 p.m. at the Skamokawa Resort's gazebo, and their guests gathered at the reception, everything was dry and there was blue sky and sunshine in the afternoon. Once the crowd gathered at the fairgrounds park, it wasn't long before the groom was serving fresh grilled salmon and the bride was telling everyone to chow down. For those who weren't into fish, there was pulled pork and chicken and lots of salads and finger foods to eat, not to mention that all time kid favorite, hot dogs! The cake was very unique as it looked like a trunk of a tree, with the bride dragging her groom behind her, that brought a lot of chuckles from the guests. We congratulate the couple and wish them well as they continue on life's journey as husband and wife.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from August 29-September 4 are: Nanea Carroll, Quin Bassi, Kathy McNally, Don Ostling, Judy Danielsen, Jamie Quigley, Debbie Melton, Thea Pyle, Linda Cook, Wayne Bell, Elinor Ellison Bridenhagen, Donna Peterson Bernard and Bill Chamberlain. Enjoy those special birthdays everybody!

Happy Anniversary wishes this week go out to Lesley and Larry Horman, John and Melissa Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doumit, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Souvenir, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Backman, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Linquist and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tischer.Hope your special days are exceptionally memorable this year!

WARNING--On many occasions, I have seen kids jumping off the bridge in Skamokawa as I've been heading into town, and I have to tell you, it really scares the daylights out of me! Not only that, it is not allowed. So, if any of you parents have been letting your kids do this, please tell them to stop or you may see a patrol car stopping by and giving your kids a warning, as it's just not a safe thing to do. Thrilling yes, but safe, no!

LAST WEEKEND--If you haven't had a chance to get up to Redmen Hall to check out the Clatsop Spinners and Weavers Guild, you've only got a few days to do it, as this will be their final weekend. They are open today, Thursday, through Sunday from noon to four

WINE TASTING--The Friends of Skamokawa want to remind you that this year's Wine Tasting and Auction are coming right up on September 14. You still have time to make a donation for the auction and of course, we hope you're going to the usual places to buy your advance tickets for the event as you'll save five dollars if you buy them early. They are only $15 for a single or $25 for a couple if you purchase them in advance. All the action will be taking place at the Skamokawa Grange Hall which most folks know is located at 18 Fairgrounds Road, just west of the Oasis Mexican Bar and Grill. Some information came out that said it was located off of Middle Valley, but the road going out the valleys past our fairgrounds and fire department as you turn off the highway, is East Valley Road, so we don't want anybody new getting lost out in the wrong valley! At any rate, Brian McClain will be the auctioneer and he's always fun to listen to and has things going at a good clip, so I'm sure you'll enjoy the action once the live auction begins. I understand there are vacation packages, art, gift certificates, stained glass, baskets of goodies and more that will be available for auction so it looks to be another great night for bidding! The doors open at 6:30 p.m. and you'll be able to enjoy a glass of wine, nibble on some food and make your way around the silent auction items and start placing those bids.

SKAMOKAWA REUNION--The Skamokawa Grade School reunion that was held on August 17 At Skamokawa Vista Park was well attended I hear. Gary and Pam Emery said about 45 "kids" showed up and filled that upper covered area and they had a great meal and a whole lot of story swapping going on, so it was a great time. The group has graciously been donating to the Skamokawa Grade School Dollars for Scholars fund, and if you missed out on being at this reunion, but would like to donate to this great cause/fund and be a part of the Skamokawa Grade School donators, just drop a check to Gary Emery at 4 Par Drive, Cathlamet, WA 98612.

THANKS?--Add the Skamokawa Grange to the list of people who had things lifted from their places recently, as "thanks" to a thief, our newly purchased cigarette butt holder, a nice blue and cream colored ceramic pot, was taken from the premises recently. I got it on the second of the month, it was out there on the third and it was gone by the time I went to check on things on the sixth. I guess if it's not bolted down, somebody is going to help themselves.Thanks a lot, hope you remember what they say about karma!

SYMPATHIES--Our sympathies go out to the family of Wally Kaste who passed away suddenly on Wednesday, August 21. We just saw Wally at the fair and he was his usual jolly self, so we were shocked to learn of his passing.

MEETING--The Sons of Norway members always meet on the first Wednesday of the month, so they will be meeting this coming Wednesday, September 4 at the Norse Hall on Puget Island at 7 p.m.

GRANDPARENTS DAY--All of you parents with kids, and all you kids with grandparents, don't forget that "Grandparents Day" is September 8, so it's not far off. Why, is this so important to remember? Well, Christmas is coming up and Santa Claus is watching who's naughty or nice, so if you have a grandma or grandpa in your family, it's best to make sure they get a bit of acknowledgement from you that day so that Santa can keep you on the nice list! Whether it's a card, or an email, a text message, a phone call or a tweet, I do hope you parents will see to it that those special people in your family are recognized on their special day by the little ones, and if you kids are reading this, mark this down in your fancy phones and give Grandma and Grandpa a call!

WATCH FOR KIDS--With the end of August and the beginning of September, it's not only Labor Day weekend, which will see a whole lot more vehicles on the road as everyone heads out for this last three day holiday of the summer, but it's also going to mean more kids out and about too, as they head off to school. Be sure to watch for them as they wait for buses, travel to and from school on their bikes or are walking and talking with their friends, as they're pretty distracted sometimes with all the hub-bub that a new school year brings. Here's to a safe holiday for everyone and a great start to a new school year!

FOOTBALL BEGINS--All right Mule fans, it's time to get out the old red and black and hit the grandstands as the mighty Mules play their first game at Mossyrock this Friday night, September 6. Here's to a great season that is injury free. Go Mules!


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