Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Enjoy the 105th annual county fair

THIS IS IT!--Yes indeed, here comes the 105th annual Wahkiakum County Fair and I hope to see you and your smiling faces there as things kick off today (Thursday) at 8 a.m. with the 4-H Horse Show and Western Games starting off the festivities. The formal opening ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. by the flag pole. You may notice that the flag is now in a different place. Where it was before was right in the way of getting things in and out of the arena stands area, so it was moved earlier this year. My family is proud to announce that the new flag pole is being dedicated to the late Veryl Chamberlain, my husband Bill's dad, who put a lot of time into the fair and arena. It was nice to hear that he was being honored for his years of dedication.

Thursday is Senior Citizen’s and Red Hat Ladies’ free entry day until 4 p.m. so all of you who fall in that category can enjoy the day free of charge.

The official welcome will take place at 6 p.m. and will include recognition of Carol Ervest, who had the fair dedicated to her this year. She is a longtime hard-working volunteer and has been very active in 4-H for years, so it was only right that she be recognized for her years of service to our kids and our fair. You'll be able to see the fruits of her labor as you go into the Youth Building and see all the work that those kids have done.

Right after the welcoming, the Queen of the 105th Wahkiakum County Fair will be named. Congratulations to the winner!

You'll have most of the day to warm up your voice in preparation for the karaoke contest after the 7 p.m. crowning of the queen at the stage area.

On Friday, kids get in free until 4 p.m., and the Teen Dance is at the Skamokawa Grange Hall beginning at 9 p.m. There will be lots of things going on during the day and delicious food for sale. At my house, we've got a "no cooking" rule while the fair is going on.

Saturday is Armed Forces Day. Those with military identification get in free. It's also the day of the salmon barbecue. There will be horseshoe throwing competitions, Model-T races, and Skamokawa’s own Bloody Pirates performing that day, so come on down and enjoy the fair!

POSTPONED-- I just got word about this on Monday afternoon: According to County Extension Agent Carrie Backman, the WSU Extension and Food and Farm Network's Ag Summit that was going to be held at the Skamokawa Grange Hall this Saturday has been postponed until the winter. For any questions, contact Carrie at 795-3278.

SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE--I hope you have gathered up some school supplies to donate to our local students, as Family Health Center in Cathlamet is having a donation drive. You have until tomorrow, Friday, to drop off your donations. If you need items picked up, you can contact Amber Rosewood at 360-636-3892 and they will pick up your items on August 19, but call right away to arrange for this service. Let's help out our kids and our teachers and get the supplies they need to start out the new school year right.

SKAMOKAWA SCHOOL REUNION-- For all of you who went to the Skamokawa Grade School back in the day, you are reminded that there will be a reunion at the upper level covered area by the yurts, at Skamokawa Vista Park this Saturday at 1 p.m. You're asked to bring your favorite dish to share with your fellow classmates, and of course, if you have a few pictures of your family to share, that would be great as well. For more information, call 360-200-5869.

LIVE MUSIC--For you late nighters, it's time to tap your toes and sway your hips as during fair weekend, there will be live music at the Duck Inn for your night time enjoyment. While some of us oldsters will be too tired from a long day at the fair, there are sure to be those who have enough steam to enjoy an evening out on the deck at the Duck. With lots of reunions going on and family gatherings, it's bound to be a busy, busy weekend here in Skamokawa.

SPECIAL DAYS-- Those celebrating birthdays this week are Kathleen Morgain, Jessica Fletcher, Addy Hauff, Chip Perkins, Steve McClain, Tyna Zink, John Gustafson, Sarah Exum, Teresa McNally, Toni Ostling, Vivian Olsen, Vicki Gregory, Deanna Dachtler, Krista McQuire, Shannon Ellison and Lori Pedersen Finkas. Here's hoping all of your birthdays contain super surprises this week!

Happy Anniversary to Russ and Kathy Durrah and Larry and Penny Bonds. May you have wonderful anniversaries!

RECENT WEDDING--In the area for a brief time was my son, Pete Sechler, who arrived in Longview for the wedding of former Cathlamet resident Joe Pype last Saturday.

Almost the entire Pype clan showed up for the big day and Pete had a great time visiting with them after the ceremony, as well as with his buddies, Henry Pype and Pat Shanahan. It was a speedy trip down and back from Seattle for Pete, so I didn't get a chance to see him. Congrats to Joe and his bride!

IN TOWN--Not only was Skamokawa Vista Park full of campers, tents and trailers, but if you happened to have come by at the right time, you'd have seen lots of pretty sails as the Hobie Cats were at the park as well. They come to Vista Park every year and set up a course on the river where they race down to a buoy and back. It's always nice that you can almost count on a brisk wind being there, as otherwise, there's not much chance of a race. While I was down there on Sunday afternoon, the wind was more of a gentle breeze, but they were still able to continue with their races.

BIG BIKES--The Duck Inn parking lot was full of motorcycles last Saturday as a huge group of bikers were on their annual ride in honor of the memory of a fellow rider, Rick Stephenson. When I talked to the group outside, they said they have done this for several years now, and the money raised by this poker run goes to a program that was near and dear to Rick’s heart: Reading is Fundamental (RIF). RIF buys books and distributes them to local students. The group of bikers had a good day to ride and enjoyed the deck out on the back of the Duck Inn before continuing on their ride to the beach. Rick's Ride seems to grow bigger ever year as do the donations to the late Rick Stephenson's favorite program. I applaud all those who take part in this event and support such a worthy cause in memory of their dear friend.

WINE TASTING-- Donations are now being taken for the annual Cornucopia of Wines Benefit for Redmen Hall, which features live and silent auctions and a wide array of wines and tasty treats to go with them. There are also non-alcoholic beverages available. Redmen Hall was once Central School and has withstood many changes, but like most buildings, it is in need of some major maintenance so this fund raiser will hopefully raise some much needed cash to begin repairs. This is a fun evening full of friendly bidding wars during the live auction and last minute scrambles at the silent auction tables, which keeps one on their toes if they really want a certain item. It's a great way to enjoy oneself and help a worthy cause as well. There will also be a special paddle raise to help raise funds for the hall, so you may want to help out in that way. All donations are greatly appreciated. The action all takes place at the Skamokawa Grange Hall on September 14, with the doors opening at 6:30 p.m. You can bring an auction donation to Redmen Hall Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Call 795-3007 for more information.

CURRENT EXHIBIT--The Clatsop Weavers and Spinners are showcasing their wares on the second floor of Redmen Hall in the River Life Interpretive Center until September 1, so if you haven't seen it yet, you've only got a couple more weeks to go before it's gone. From sweaters and scarves to looms and more, it's on display, so head up to the hall today!

GET WELL--I'd like to send my get well wishes to Kim Hedges, who was taken by Life Flight to the hospital this week. She is the daughter of Skamokawa postmaster, LouAnn Hedges, and I want to keep her and her family in our thoughts and prayers.

SYMPATHIES--My deepest sympathies go to the family members of two local folks who passed away in this past week, as Rolly Armstrong lost his wife, Ginny, and Bud Holten lost his wife, Noreen. I offer my sincerest condolences to all those who were near and dear to these two ladies.


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