Legal Notice
Requests for Qualifications (RFQs*)
for the following elderly care services in Southwest Washington:
· Adult Day Services RFQ (i.e., Adult Day Care & Adult Day Health)
· Family Caregiver Counseling RFQ
Eligible organizations may submit a response to contract as a provider of one or both of these services (those wishing to provide both serves must submit separate responses for both RFQs)
The Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington (AAADSW) is designated by the State of Washington as the Area Agency on Aging to serve Clark, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat and Skamania Counties. AAADSW plans, advocates, develops, coordinates and supports a comprehensive service delivery system in the region for persons who are 60 years of age or older, persons with disabilities who are 18 years of age or older, and caregivers of aging and/or disabled persons. Both Adult Day Services and Family Caregiver Counseling Services are overseen by the agency (see AAADSW’s web site at
RFQ Announcements: AAADSW will contract with qualified organizations to provide Adult Day Services; and, in a separate announcement, AAADSW will contract with qualified organizations to provide Family Caregiver Counseling Services. All services are to be provided to qualified persons from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 in one or more of AAADSW’s service areas (i.e., Clark County, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties, Klickitat County and Skamania County). After the initial year, contracts may be renewed annually for an additional three years depending on funding availability and/or contractor performance.
* NOTE: AAADSW reserves the right to modify any of these announcements from a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) should the number of eligible organizations responding to either program RFQ exceed five in Clark County, or three in Cowlitz County, or two each in Wahkiakum, Skamania and/or Klickitat Counties. Parties of Record will be notified if the status of this notice changes from a RFQ to a RFP. To become a Party of Record to this notice, prospective applicants must submit a request for a RFQ packet (see instructions below).
· Adult Day Services RFQ represents two levels of care as described below. Applicants must propose to provide both levels of care.
1. Adult Day Care includes core services appropriate for adults with medical or disabling conditions that do not require the intervention or services of a registered nurse or licensed rehabilitative therapist acting under the supervision of the client’s physician. Core services to be provided include: (1) assistance with activities of daily living; (2) social services on a consultation basis; (3) routine health monitoring; (4) general therapeutic activities that an unlicensed person can provide without a physician’s order; (5) general health education that a person can provide without a physician’s order; (6) nutritional meals every four hours; (7) protection to ensure client safety; (8) arranging transportation to and from the service site; and (9) providing first aid or care in the event of an emergency. Applicants must comply with specific program requirements outlined in Washington Administrative Codes for Adult Day Care (WAC 388-71-0704 through WAC 388-71-0712).
2. Adult Day Health Services include a supervised daytime program providing skilled nursing and rehabilitative therapy services in addition to core services. Adult day health services are only appropriate for adults with medical or disabling conditions that require the intervention or services of a registered nurse or licensed rehabilitative therapist acting under the supervision of the client's physician. Adult Day Health must offer and provide on-site the following services: (1) all core services under WAC 388-71-0704; (2) skilled nursing services other than routine health monitoring with nurse consultation; (3) at least one of the following skilled therapy services: physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech-language pathology or audiology, as defined under chapters 18.74, 18.59 and 18.35 RCW; and (4) psychological or counseling services, including assessing for psycho-social therapy need, dementia, abuse or neglect, and alcohol or drug abuse; making appropriate referrals; and providing brief, intermittent supportive counseling.
· Family Caregiver Counseling Services RFQ: Family Caregiver Counseling Services are provided through qualified contractors that provide family counseling to address the emotional support, mental health and coping strategies for caregivers. Counseling services will be short-term and solution focused to assist the caregiver to provide effective services. This is accomplished by providing counseling to address issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, loss, grief, guilt, difficult family dynamics, anger management and other coping skills that may be experienced by the caregiver. Applicants must comply with specific program requirements outlined in Washington Administrative Codes (WAC 388-106-1200 through WAC 388-106-1220).
Eligibility: Organizations responding to either RFQ must request an RFQ packet before 5:00 P.M., September 18, 2013. Additionally, prospective applicants must have three (3) years demonstrated experience providing all aspects of the services as described above, and have sufficient provider, fiscal and administrative capacity to implement and monitor the services. Eligible applicants must be a verifiable legal public or private entity, hold a valid Washington State Business License; and must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, and with AAADSW policies. Organizations that have been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or excluded from participating in a contract by any federal or Washington State agency will not be considered.
Mandatory requirement to apply (RFQ Packets): Entities interested in responding to this notice must request a mandatory RFQ packet, which details the application process. To receive either mandatory RFQ packet by email, send a request to specifying the preferred RFQ packet by indicating in the subject heading “Adult Day Services RFQ” or “Family Caregiver Counseling Services RFQ.” RFQ packets may also be obtained by coming to AAADSW’s offices at the address below, or by submitting a brief written request for “Adult Day Services RFQ” or “Family Caregiver Counseling Services RFQ” to the following address:
Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities
of Southwest Washington
Attn: Nellya Zornes, AAADSW Contracts Group
201 NE 73rd Street, Suite 201
Vancouver, WA 98665
Please be sure to include your current return mailing address or alternate method of contacting you, and expect a seven day delay in receiving a packet through the U.S. Postal Service. Because of limited staff resources, faxed requests will not be considered, and telephone inquiries cannot be responded to (opportunities for submitting questions are described in the RFQ packets). Those wishing to provide both services must request both RFQ packets separately and submit separate responses.
Deadline: Interested entities must request either of the mandatory RFQ packets by 5:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 18, 2013 in order to be considered (requests received after this deadline will not be considered).
AAADSW is an Equal Opportunity Agency
Women-owned, Minority-owned and Veteran-owned businesses are encouraged to apply.
Publish August 15, 2013
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