Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Elder Options offers File of Life for seniors

File of Life emergency information packets are available at Elder Options for seniors and persons with medical conditions. Hospitals, emergency medical personnel, law enforcement officers, and firefighters endorse this life saving packet.

The File of Life is a medical file that is placed on a home refrigerator that can be quickly accessed by emergency personnel during an emergency. It lists medications, medical conditions, and any allergic substances for the individual. Physician names and phone numbers, insurance information, emergency contacts, and a description of other special circumstances are also included.

File of Life packets are free to seniors 60 years of age or older. Members of the public who are younger than 60 years old can acquire the packet for a $5 donation. All donations are applied to the purchase of additional File of Life packets.

For more information, call Elder Options at 636-1000 or 800-608-2388. Elder Options is located at 872 15th Ave in Longview- across the street from St. John PeaceHealth Medical Center.


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