Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Vista Vendor Market this Saturday

NICENESS CONTINUES--While we had some cloudy mornings and the tiniest bit of moisture a couple of times, it has not amounted to much and the sun always seems to show up in the afternoon. Last weekend had perfect weather for the Bald Eagle Day festivities as the cloud cover kept the crowd, the parade folks and all the animals at a bearable temperature, and only after the parade was over, did the sun come out to start warming things up. Everyone I talked to thought the parade was terrific and enjoyed some of the new entries, as well as those faithful ones that are in it every year. You were all great!

BAGPIPERS-- Thanks to local residents John and Mary Gustafson, the Fort Vancouver Pipe Band made a return to the parade this year. It just so happens that their niece is in the group. When I asked the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce if they'd like them to return and they said yes, I got on the phone to Mary and she got the group to come back and take part in our festivities, which I thought was really nice of them. John and Mary had the band members over for a barbecue at their place after the parade and treated them all to a real feast. My husband Bill and I were invited to join them. Not only did we get to enjoy a great meal and meeting some new folks, but we also got the added treat of a solo bagpipe performance by one of the members of the group. That was very fun.

SPECIAL DAYS-- Those celebrating birthdays this coming week are Lesley Horman, Suzet Parker, Sharon Dennis, Carol Cooper, Mandi Knowles, Mike Anderson, Darcy Tischer, Kyle Hurley, Aaron Mahitka, Levi Helms, Ebby Blouin, David Eaton, Robert Fritzie, Jon Hauff, Jeff Lundborg, Jennifer Blain Cochran, Peggy Pedersen, Hannah Davison, Paul Monroe Olson and Kay Chamberlain.

Those celebrating their anniversaries this week are Joel and Jessie Havens, Gary and Jody Havens, Mr. and Mrs. James Julien and Bill and Kay Chamberlain. Here's to awesome celebrations for one and all.

THIS IS IT--I’ve heard that the good weather is going to continue as we go into this weekend. That's good news, as the Skamokawa Grangers are hoping for sunshine as they hold their annual Vendor's Market at Skamokawa Vista Park this Saturday, July 27. Vendors will be selling their wares from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We can still take last minute vendor registrations. All you have to do is call me right away and I’ll put you on the list and you can pay me the $10 set up fee on Saturday. I hope everyone comes by to check out the homemade items and baked goods. Don't forget, kids get a chance to win a bucket of goodies absolutely free from the drawing at the Skamokawa Grange table, so I hope to see you there.

The Skamokawa Methodist Church will be having a sale that day as well, and also serving up some hot dogs, so be sure to stop by.

OASIS--If you haven't been by the Oasis Tavern lately, then you may not have seen the new addition- a wonderful, enlarged, outdoor area for you to sip your suds and soak up some of this nice weather. It really looks nice!

NEW EXHIBIT--I visited Redmen Hall last weekend and checked out their new exhibit which has all the handmade items from the Clatsop Weavers and Spinners guild. The exhibit and items for sale cover the second floor of the hall. From catnip holders to hats and scarves and sweaters, there's a little bit of everything there, so I hope you take the time to go and check it out.

Mark Whitaker is now in charge of the books in the gift shop and if you'd like to see something there that isn't currently available, be sure to let the staff know and it can be ordered for you. There are a lot of nice books about our area that would make for a wonderful gift. In the shop there are cards, jewelry, forged items, including plant holders and tongs made by Mike Linn, and wooden spoons and other items made locally by the Schmitz family. If you'd like to help out the Friends of Skamokawa and become a docent, just contact the hall and let them know. It's a great place to learn some local history and meet new people.

BERRIES--The Wahkiakum Lions Club will be having a frozen berry sale again this year. There is an order form elsewhere in this week’s paper, or you can pick them up from the Chevron station, the Pharmacy, the Video Store, the Bank of the Pacific or the Skamokawa Store or Post Office. You can also call Renee at 849-4003 or Carol at 795-3337 and place an order. The berries need to be ordered by August 19 and will be available for pickup on August 24.

REUNION? NO & YES--The Chamber of Commerce calendar erroneously lists the Wahkiakum High School Mule Train All-School Reunion as occurring this August. There was a reunion last year, but it won’t happen again until August 13, 2016, which marks a century since the first WHS class graduated. Head coordinator for the event will be Susan Kuhn.

SKAMOKAWA REUNION--August 17 is the date of the reunion for people who attended the grade school here in Skamokawa when it was open. The group will meet in Vista Park at the upper level covered area by the yurts about 1 p.m. for a potluck. Bring a favorite side dish. For further details, contact Gary Emery at 360-200-5869. 

FAIR TIME--Speaking of the fair, I hope you've gotten some things ready to enter, as it won't be long before entry dates approach. Fair books have been distributed throughout our community, so don’t forget to check those dates. This is always a great time for the kids to earn a few extra bucks. Even if they don't have an animal to enter, they can always enter a picture, a drawing, an educational poster or some other collection or craft item. All you grown ups can enter things too and I know there are a whole lot of talented folks in our area.

GRANGE MASTER--Sir Paul McCartney of The Beatles played in Seattle last weekend in front of 47,000 fans. Grays River Grange Master and Wahkiakum County resident Krist Novoselic was also on that stage with Sir Paul, as he and other former band members from hugely famous band Nirvana got to entertain the crowd as well. Seattle was Nirvana’s hometown, so the crowd was amped up to see and hear them once again, even if they weren't singing their own songs from the past. They did play a song that they debuted last year when they performed in a Hurricane Sandy relief concert, called "Cut Me Some Slack.”

ALL NEW--Thanks to Tom Blalock, the Skamokawa Grange Hall is sporting a new grange sign with all new letters on an all new backboard. This all came about with a little help from John Gustafson, who found just the right board, and my husband Bill, whose backhoe made for an easy way to take down the old sign and put up the new. We Grangers appreciate Tom's craftsmanship and his willingness to help us out.

SKAMOKAWA SIGN--Speaking of signs, I mentioned a couple weeks ago about repairs being made to the east and west entry signs into Skamokawa, which were put up years ago by the Friends of Skamokawa. I didn't have one of the names of the volunteers then, but thankfully I got a call with that information and so I want to pass his name along. A big thank you goes out to "Kopi's husband,” who just happens to be Dean Carmine. The east end sign looks great now and I’m anxiously awaiting the other!

ROSES--I spoke with Jean Heagy at the Bald Eagle parade and she was telling me that if anyone is in need of some flowers for a special occasion, she'd let them pick a bouquet of her fragrant roses. I can tell you first hand that these are the best smelling roses I've gotten in ages, so give Jean a call and if they're available still, she'll gladly let you fill up a vase.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT-- Keep August 6 as a date to take the family to the JA Wendt Elementary School multi-purpose room, as this is the time to meet your local law enforcement officers and your neighbors and enjoy a free meal as well.


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