It’s still summer, and most folks can’t believe it. This is the longest dry spell that I can remember since we came here 13 years ago. I hear some farmers may even get a third cutting of hay on some of their fields. Does anyone else enjoy the sounds and smells of this country life, with the scent of warm cut grass and the machinery working late into the evenings? It sure beats the sounds of traffic and the smells of city life.
News from Naselle:
If anyone has a child that they would like to enroll in the Naselle ECEAP program, please contact Becky Erickson at 465-2555 for more information. The program is taking enrollments now and will continue to do so until the roster is full. Your child must be four years old by August 31 and the family needs to meet the federal guidelines for income eligibility.
Here is something for the little ones in your life: the Play and Learn group meets each Thursday from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Valley Bible Church including during the summer months. This program is for parents/guardians and their children who are from birth to age five. These activities are intended to encourage good parenting skills and communication with other families. As the children play in the midst of the parents, they talk and discuss different topics and issues that are relevant to the development of the children, enjoy a snack and often an activity and end with a rousing round of Ring around the Rosie. This Play and Learn group is free and is sponsored by St. James Family Center. If anyone is interested in joining this group, please call Becky at 465-2555 for more information.
Check out Mochas and More, the espresso shop at the corner of SR 4 and 401, for great coffees, food and fun. Visit them on Facebook to meet Laura’s sidekicks. They are a family of crows she has befriended and followed through Rob and Robette’s courtship and nest building and now they have a baby, as yet unnamed. See photos on the Facebook page and send your suggestion for the baby’s name. Rob (the male) is a real fan of the establishment, and brings presents to Laura. Are you missing the lens out of your glasses? She may have it at the shop (one of Rob’s gifts).
Other news from the Westend:
It was a perfect weather weekend for all the activities taking place in our county- not too hot and not raining. I was happy to hear that the Bald Eagle Days celebration was very well attended and a great time was had by everyone.
Our second annual community picnic/potluck and 75th birthday party for the old Rosburg School on Sunday at Johnson Park was a wonderful success. The Johnson Park advisory board and volunteers prepared barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs for the crowd and with all the delicious potluck dishes brought to share, no one could have left hungry.
The new back stop on the Johnson Park baseball diamond got quite a workout and it appeared that everyone enjoyed playing and watching the games. Where else can you find uniformed deputies and kids playing a baseball game on a Sunday afternoon in a local park? Our law officers are the best. I can’t think of a much better scene as an inspiration for more kids and adults to follow. Besides, everyone had a good time.
There were lots of folks enjoying the old photos, stories and memories with each other from years past in the old school building. Many of the attendees had attended the school in one capacity or another, as a student, teacher or family of someone formerly affiliated with the building. We hope to continue gathering stories to share about this historical building and its surroundings. If you were unable to attend the picnic, and would like to tell us about your experiences at the school, feel free to write it out and mail it to Johnson Park, PO Box 15, Rosburg, WA 98643, e-mail it or you can call a board member with the info.
Our special attraction, as usual was the donkey cart ride for kids and adults alike. Special thanks to Mary Steller for bringing her donkey family (Tumbleweed, Thistle and Trillium) from Donkey Holler again this year. I noticed that we had an especially young, first time rider on the cart at one point. Zane Parrino, who is just a few months old was very relaxed and enjoying the ride in his mom’s lap. Zane is the son of Bryon and Holly Parrino of Grays River, and a real cutie. Welcome to a wonderful place for little boys to grow up, Zane. There were lots of smiles as the cart riders bounced along behind the critters pulling the cart.
I would like to say a special thank you to all the volunteers for the hours and hours of time you put in to this event, and all the other work you do for the center. You know who you are. Though there are just a few of you, you never stop getting things done when they need to be done. I wish I could be of more help, but know how much you are appreciated for what you do. The Grays River Valley Center and Johnson Park would still only be a vision without all of you. Thank you.
An extra special thank you to Gail Robinson. She has taken on a job that no one in their right mind would volunteer for. She is a super cleaning machine and she whizzes through the halls, rooms, bathrooms, closets and basement of the Grays River Valley Center with her brooms, mops, vacuum cleaner and dust rags on a regular basis. The old building no longer smells musty, but clean. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Gail. We love you.
Thank you to Jim and Lilah Lincoln for the donation of the big barbecue. It will be very handy for some of our activities here at Johnson Park.
Finally, the biggest thank you is for everyone who spent time at the park and participated in our second annual picnic. Without you, there would be no need for a facility such as this. As a board and members of the community we welcome you to use it freely, enjoy the activities, and remember this is your park, use it with pride. Thank you for a wonderful family day. We look forward to next year.
You are invited to another free family-friendly movie on May 26 at the Grays River Valley Center. Join us for our kid friendly, animated comedy, sci-fi fantasy movie which was released in February 2013. The kids will love it, and it’s a fun movie for the grown ups as well. The movie starts at 7 p.m., and you are welcome to bring your own chair or bean bag pillow. The first and fourth Fridays of each month are dedicated to showing family friendly movies.
For more information on movies scheduled to be shown, please call 465-2310 or check out the flyers posted on bulletin boards around the county and Naselle.
While we are on the subject of family movies, mark your calendar for August 23. It’s early yet, but this is a must see movie for everyone. It’s called “Bully” and is geared for parents and school age children. This is the second time the movie will be shown at the Grays River Valley Center with the hope that the turnout will be better. Bullying is not something we like to think about, and it can take place in many ways. This is a great opportunity to get a little insight on this very real problem.
We are making progress on a commitment with Lower Columbia College to be able to provide online college classes here in the Westend at the community computer center and library in the Grays River Valley Center. I will keep everyone posted in this column, as we learn more. This will be another wonderful asset for our community.
Beau Renfro let me know that the National Night Out will be held in Cathlamet this year at the elementary school on August 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. All are invited to attend. It was held at the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park last year and was very well attended with lots of folks out for a fun evening and for a good reason. My question is, why not have a get together with neighbors and friends many evenings of the year, not just this one? Isn’t that what folks did back in the day?
Two commemorative lilac bushes have been planted on the grounds of Johnson Park in honor of loved ones. If you are interested in having a plant or tree planted in someone’s memory, please contact Penny Gregory at 465-2775 for details.
Al and Nancy George are enjoying a visit with her daughter’s family from California. I’m sure Vickie is here to see her Mom more than the weather but the cooler temperatures must be a plus. Welcome to our cooler climate for a few days, though, and enjoy your visit, Vickie.
Another Grays River family has company escaping from the California heat. Paul Hammonds and his family are visiting with my uncle, David Hammonds for a week. I know Paul was looking forward to the cooler weather as he lives in the San Joaquin Valley. Welcome, and have a wonderful visit.
The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets at the Rosburg Hall each week for a nutritious meal prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. Lunch is served at noon.
Senior lunches are also served at the above location on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are sponsored by CAP. This week’s menus include July 25-lasagna, garlic bread, Caesar salad, sliced oranges and carrot cake; July 30- turkey a la king over a biscuit, spinach salad and raspberry bars.
Happy Birthday to the following celebrants this coming week: Larry Sherk, Donna Oman, Donna Linstrom, Michael Harley, Gloria Clark, Kayti Nelson, Norma White, Richard Ellis, Danette Rogers, Ken Chapman, Chris Cary, Pat Nelson, Miriam Galbraith, Gene Strong, Diane Mattson, Shirley Herrold, Kyryn Jacot, Corina Lee, Brenden Wallace, Bryon Adair, Loretta Smalley and Alex Badger. Here’s wishing you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Ike and Pat Howerton, Terry and Kim Tarabochia, Ken and Susan Chapman, Quinn and Amber Donlon and Otis and Renee Hunsinger.
We are looking forward to more company in the next week or so. Our nephew Don will be visiting from Yucca Valley, California for a few days as he takes his new Jeep on its first road trip. He lived with us when he was growing up and graduated from high school while in our care. We haven’t seen him in a couple of years, though his brother Mark has visited several times in the past few years. It’s always nice to catch up with your kids.
Then on the third of August, another of our “sort of” kids, Tracy Folkman, from Stockton, California, will be here for the weekend as he is involved in a motorcycle race near here. It’s always good to have a comfortable bed and a home cooked meal at Mom and Dad’s house. Like I said before, it’s always nice to catch up with your kids.
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