Wahkiakum County
Notice of Determination
of Nonsignificance
Wahkiakum County issued a determination of nonsignificance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: Town of Cathlamet has submitted application to the Washington State Department of Ecology to obtain coverage under the state General Permit for Biosolids Management. The Town is planning to remove biosolids material from the existing lagoon wastewater facility located at 413 2nd Street, Cathlamet, WA.
Proposed by Town of Cathlamet
After review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the agency, Wahkiakum County has determined this proposal will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.
Copies of the DNS are available from the Wahkiakum County, Building and Planning, P.O. BOX 97, 64 MAIN STREET, Cathlamet, WA 98612. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than August 5, 2013.
Publish July 25, 2013
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