GOOD FOURTH--The Fourth of July weekend was a long one this year, as many folks took off Friday as well as Thursday and with the weekend attached to that, it was four days of good weather and good fun. By the look of Skamokawa Vista Park, there were a whole lot of people enjoying our little gem along the Columbia.
SPECIAL DAYS-- Those celebrating birthdays this week are Justin Perkins, Jalynn Rainey, Megan Miller, Samantha McClain, Marietta Montgomery, Sharrell Mooers, Jerry Ledtke, Randi Curtis, Denise Parker, Sunny Manary, Janelle Seaberg, Marsha Cleveland, Martha Backman, Mike Clark, Mary Schroder, Brysen Coleman, Lonney Kubacki, Dan Cochran, Gerald Olson, David West, Sharon McKie and my grandsons Blake and Kyle Sechler. Hope your birthdays are super special this year.
Celebrating their anniversaries this week are John and Mary Gustafson and Gary and Betty Huber. Enjoy your special days.
THIS SATURDAY-- I hope all avid golfers have signed up for the Kiwanis Golf Tournament which will be held this Saturday at Skyline Golf Course. You can call Carol Danker at 795-4305 for information about the event. From the looks of it, it's going to be a nice weekend to smack that little white ball around the course!
REDMEN HALL--This weekend is your last opportunity to view the youth art exhibit currently on display at Redmen Hall, as the following weekend will mark the return of the Clatsop Weavers and Spinners Guild and their handmade rugs, shawls, place mats, blankets and more. This year their exhibit is titled "It's So Nice to Have a Loom Around the House," which features all those things that one could make and use in the home. Most items will be for sale, so it's a great time to pick up a unique gift. The exhibit opens on Bald Eagle Day, but if you can't fit it in your schedule that weekend, you'll have until September 1 to come and check it out.
IMPROVEMENTS-- Many years ago, several members of the Friends of Skamokawa put up the two big wooden signs at either end of Skamokawa. I can remember when my husband Bill found the big heavy plank boards that he knew we'd need to withstand the beer bottles and such that would more than likely be aimed at the signs, and they have done that. However, the signs are now in need of repair. Thanks to Jessica Fletcher, Kope's husband, Candice Hoisington and Brian O'Connor, they are getting some fresh posts, paint and repairs. Big thanks to those folks for taking on the task. The signs are going to look great once again!
NOT LONG NOW-- The much awaited Bald Eagle Days festivities will soon be upon us. You can begin the fun on Friday by going over to Two Islands Farm Market on Puget Island’s West Birnie Slough Road. If you don’t want to drive, you can get there by hitching a ride from the marina on the trolley, which is always a fun experience.
If you want to showcase your artistic talent, you'll want to take part in the chalk art contest in front of the Bank of the Pacific and Cathlamet Building Materials that afternoon. There are divisions for kids and adults.
Saturday morning, you have the choice of participating in the run/walk challenge starting in front of Cathlamet Pharmacy or enjoying breakfast served up by the Kiwanis Club at the Elochoman Slough Marina if you aren’t busy setting up a booth on Main Street or getting ready for the parade. Of course, you might just be a person who is going to be kicking back and enjoying it all, so have those lawn chairs ready to stake a claim to your spot along Main Street to take in the late morning parade. There's going to be fun stuff for the kids to do and great food to eat and lots of things to buy, so I hope you'll have a great time enjoying the one of a kind celebration. The fireworks display takes place down at the Elochoman Slough Marina at nightfall, and it's always a great show!
If you've had a fun day on the street and are wondering what to do in the early evening hours prior to the fireworks, why not head over to the Norse Hall on Puget Island and play a little bingo? Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and games go from 6-8 p.m. It's a good time to rest a bit, have a little snack and get recharged before heading back to town for the evening fun at the marina.
The Wooden Boat Festival takes place at the marina on Sunday and there will be things to do there during the day as well as a barbecue in the evening. During the day, golfers will be up at the Skyline Golf Course to take part in the Ralph Rodahl Golf Memorial Scramble.
CLASS OF 1963-- As you watch the parade, keep your eyes out for a school bus full of "old kids" and their families, as the Class of 1963 is getting together for their 50th class reunion and will be participating in the parade. Later on, they will enjoy a catered dinner at the newly renovated Skamokawa Resort Event Room (formerly the Paddle Center). For more information, contact Julie at 360-459-8810 or Gary at 360-200-5869.
AFTER THAT-- Let's hope the good weather continues as the Skamokawa Grangers are hosting a Vendor's Market at Skamokawa Vista Park on July 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you hadn't thought about participating as a vendor until now, give me a call at 795-3425 and we'll fit you in.
SKAMOKAWA REUNION--During fair time, folks who attended Skamokawa Grade School will gather for a reunion at the upper covered area of Skamokawa Vista Park. Contact Gary Emery at 360-200-5869 for more information. All former classmates are asked to bring a dish and their utensils and beverage and meet on August 17 at 1 p.m.
MORE FOS DOINGS--It's a couple of months away, but time is flying by, so yes, it's time to get ready for the annual Cornucopia of Wines event on September 14 at the Skamokawa Grange Hall. This annual wine tasting and auction event is always a blast. Thanks to the generous folks in the area, there is always an array of wonderful items to bid on. The Bank of the Pacific, Redmen Hall and Rosburg Store will have tickets for sale so watch for them. If you have something to donate, be sure to call the hall at 795-3007 to let them know. This is their major annual fundraiser.
COLUMBIA RIVER KAYAKERS--With all this great weather, this might be the time to head to the Skamokawa Landing building on Steamboat Slough in order to take part in a class or tour taught by Columbia River Kayaking. Call 360-747-1044 to reserve your spot and you can always check their website ( to see all the tours currently available.
THINKING OF THEM--We've got a few folks who are a bit under the weather right now. One of them is former local resident Kelly Nettles Recupero, who recently had back surgery. Unfortunately, she has gotten an infection and has asked that we keep her in our thoughts and prayers. I’ll gladly do that and hope she's feeling on the mend very soon. Sunrise Fletcher is also dealing with health issues, so I hope he's feeling back to his chipper self very soon. Donna Moody took a tumble and is recuperating from a broken rib. I hope she takes it easy and gets to feeling better very soon, as she's one busy lady and needs to be back to a hundred percent in order to keep up with all her doings! Rick Bryan had surgery recently and while he's feeling better, I want to keep him in our thoughts as well. My brother Ralph Pedersen is doing better after having had a stroke in May and he and his wife Peggy certainly appreciate everyone’s help, good thoughts and well wishes. Lance and Logan Britt's dad has had to deal with health issues lately, so I hope he gets to feeling better very soon.
As I mentioned in last week’s column, I had unexpected surgery recently. I'm happy to report that I am on the mend. It was pretty miserable there for awhile, so I sure appreciate everyone's cards, calls, gifts and well wishes. I was tickled to get a lovely bouquet of fragrant roses from Jean Heagy, along with chocolate. That was a nice surprise indeed. Thanks, Jean! Sharon Buennagel popped in with some goodies at the hospital and it was all I could do to keep from devouring my favorite treats until I had recuperated a bit. Thanks, Sharon! I hope everyone who is feeling under the weather will be feeling better soon.
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