Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Writer urges care in the summer heat

ROUGH WEEK--As you may have noticed, I didn't have a column in last week’s paper. I was feeling lousy, and finally gave in and went to the doctor, who thought a trip to the ER right away would be a good idea. I had thought it was a stomach bug or something, so I was certainly not prepared to go to the hospital. If I'd known, I'd have had the house clean, my column written and all that good stuff done! But as luck would have it, I didn't have time to do anything at all and just wound up going in and having a very irritated gall bladder taken out. So, now I'm home, on the mend and doing fine. I appreciate all the well wishes and hope to be running full steam ahead very soon.

I have to mention an encounter I had with another patient there. When the other lady in my room and I got to talking and I told her where I lived, she let out a big chuckle and said that she had been born in Skamokawa. What are the odds of rooming with someone you didn't know who was born here? Anyway, the lady in question just so happened to be Marilyn Carlsen and we had a great chat about who she used to know when she lived here years ago. What a small world!

HEAT IS ON--We wanted summer to show up and it certainly has, so I hope everyone is taking all the precautions needed for themselves and their animals to get through this time with nothing but fun in the sun. Along the coast there have already been some fatalities due to folks underestimating the power of the water, and there have been many reports of animals being left in cars, so please don't be one of those people who ignore the heat warnings, as you or your pet could suffer severe consequences. This is not the time to take Fido for a walk on the sidewalk either as the temperature there is running around 150 degrees and you could severely burn their feet. These warnings are given every year when the temp begin to rise, but sadly I continue to hear of multiple tragedies that could have been avoided.

SPECIAL DAYS-- Those celebrating birthdays this coming week are Irene Martin, George Exum, Debbie Kuller, Patty Dursteler, Mallory Bosch, Justin Hoven, Steve Hart, Brad Towery, Sandie York, Dean Takko, David Shrum, Nathan Chamberlain and Bryce Good. Happy Birthday, one and all.

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Al McClain, Mr. and Mrs. Dana McClain, Mr. and Mrs. Hap Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Blix, Mr. and Mrs. Skip Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ehrensberger, Greg and Cindy Lloyd and George Exum and Carol Carver. Here's hoping your celebrations are a complete delight for you this year.

BELATED--Those people who had birthdays and anniversaries last week that I missed are Don Speranza, Cliff Garrison, Austin Luthi, Kelly Melton, Mary Nettles, Dale Jacobson, Tim Pedersen, Pete and Katie Sechler, Glenn and Donna Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mooers, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brons, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hendrickson and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Seaberg. Hope all your special days were happy ones. Prior to that, former Island boy Danny Lloyd and his wife celebrated 35 years together on June 24 and it was also the Mike Clutters' 41st that same day, so congratulations to them!

METHODIST CHURCH-- Corresponding with the Skamokawa Grangers' Vista Market on July 27, the members of the Skamokawa United Methodist Church will hold a bazaar and rummage sale that day with new and used items. If you're interested in renting a table there, you can call Carol McClain at 795-3337 or Pat Thacker at 795-3622 and rent one for $10. The church members will also be selling hot dogs, chips, pop and bottled water that day.

RAFFLE--Speaking of the Vendor's Market, the Skamokawa Grangers will be selling tickets for a gift basket that will be given away in December. We did this last year and it was a big hit. The basket, valued at $300, contains everything one would need for a complete holiday dinner, including a homemade pie, plus gifts for a man, woman and children, and things for your tree and household. Tickets are $1 each or you can get six for $5. There will also be a boy and girl’s giveaway drawing. It's free and so we hope the kids come by, sign their names and maybe they will be a winner of the big prize.

FOS-- Redmen Hall is still showcasing a new exhibit featuring the youth in our area, so I hope you'll stop by soon before it ends at the middle of the month. The hall is open from Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4 p.m., so come and check out our local talent. While you're there, climb the stairs and enjoy the fantastic view from the bell tower, as on these gorgeous days, you'll probably be able to see the Astoria Bridge if you look west along our mighty Columbia River.

SYMPATHIES--I'd like to send my belated sympathies to the families of Oliver Bacon and Dianne Bates, who recently passed away and whose services were held last Saturday. I'd known Oliver all my life as he'd been a friend of my Dad's from my Island days and we saw him often at our house when I was growing up. I didn't know Dianne, but I have known her sister Patty Ohrberg for a very long time, so she and her family have my sincerest condolences.

The entire country is mourning the loss of 19 firefighters that died this weekend in the Yarnell Hill fire in Arizona. Words cannot express how one feels when such a large group of brave people are lost in such a horrible way. My heart goes out to all their families.

GET WELL--I recently heard from the daughter of former resident Pearl Cortay. It seems Pearl had to be hospitalized in California last week. I want to make sure her friends here know that she could certainly stand a few get well wishes said on her behalf while she deals with several health issues. Many of you may remember Pearl from when she and her husband Charlie "Chuck" Cortay operated and cooked at the Duck Inn years ago. Pearl perfected the twice-baked potatoes that were served at that time, which were made with three different kinds of cheeses, and they were indeed delicious! I want to send lots of hugs her way and hope Pearl is out of the hospital soon.

BALD EAGLE DAYS--The big event in Cathlamet is coming upon us fast. Bald Eagle Days festivities begin on July 19 with the annual Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest beginning at 2:30 p.m., which takes place near the Bank of the Pacific. Chalk will be provided for you. There are three separate age groups in this contest. The big day is Saturday, with a parade, vendors, fireworks and more. Sunday is the Wooden Boat Festival with lots of doings going on down at the marina, so watch for the big posters that are all over town and check out all the action that's coming up in just a couple of weeks.

If you'd like to be in the parade, you've only got until July 12 to get a form turned in, so time is ticking away. Get yours today at either the Chamber of Commerce office or the Bank of the Pacific or online at

COUNTING DOWN--I hope you're sewing, taking pictures, tending to your plants and trying out new recipes as it won't be long before it’s time to enter those things into the Wahkiakum County Fair which takes place in mid-August. With the theme, "Treasures Shown, Made at Home," it should be easy to come up with some great ideas.

FIREWORKS--If you haven't yet stocked up on fireworks for the big night tomorrow, be sure to check out the Wahkiakum Lions Club booth along SR4 near Cathlamet Chevron. With the dry conditions, I hope everyone is taking extra precautions when setting them off as a few moments of glee is not worth losing your home to a fire, so be super careful. I hope everyone has a very happy Fourth of July with lots of great food and fun!


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