Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Tax and spend versus free enterprise

To The Eagle:

Some recent experiences got me looking again at what is really going on today in the world and right here at home. The current governing bodies are operating on a tax and spend basis. Who gets taxed? Those who are still working and providing a service or selling material products to others and getting paid in some form. There is nothing wrong with working and getting paid or selling a product produced.

The problem is there are agencies who have given themselves the right and power to demand a person or business support them no matter what they do. This might not be a bad thing if those same agencies used that support to actually help a person or business increase their ability to create more income and survive better.

In reality our taxes are being consumed to support an ever increasing governing structure. The products of the governing agencies in many cases result in rules, regulations and more taxes which make it harder and harder to survive.

This does not work, and history has born this out time and again.

Is there a solution? Possibly, read on…

Return to a free enterprise system wherein a person or business is allowed to keep what they earn, in full, and no one gets a “free ride.” Governing agencies should be treated as a business. Their actions must enhance the survival of business and society or they are out of business.

The rate of pay for those serving as a member of a governing agency would be the current minimum wage with bonuses for actions that show (via statistics) they are helping to enhance and coordinate activities within their community, state or county so as to improve conditions.

At the risk of creating upset, I must say that a thief who steals from you is looking for “something for nothing.” They benefit from what they steal and give nothing in return. I think we can all agree this is considered criminal activity.

So what is a governing agency doing when they enforce payment for their actions via taxes, license fees, purchase of permits, etc., and then make laws and rules that make it harder and harder to even be in business?

At least the thief does not hinder one from making the money needed to replace what they stole. Think about it!

Please note: I am not saying all governing agencies are bad. What I am saying is we need to create a social structure where we can keep what we earn and contribute to agencies that guide and support business and society. This would include activities needed for interpersonal relationships, medical needs, fire control and anything else that coordinates and improves conditions in the community, state or country.

There is a big difference between guiding and supporting as a positive activity and controlling and hindering as a negative activity. Which do you think would work the best? Which are we dealing with in today’s world?

Ben Elkinton



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