Greetings from the Fair. Wow, where is time going? It’s already the middle of June. This year the Fair Board is looking for young ladies/gentlemen to run for the title of Wahkiakum County Fair Royalty. Anyone wanting more information should call the fair office.
The fair book is a little behind this year. It’s a work in progress; we hope to have it out soon. We are still looking for a few superintendents. Please call the office to see which ones, if you would like to volunteer your time. If you were a superintendent last year and I haven’t called you, please call me and let me know if you want to do it again this year.
Keep watching for work days at the fairgrounds. We can always use man power. If you like to paint we will have several projects to do or if you would rather work in the flower beds we have lots of work there as well. If there is something else you would like to do let me know. Without volunteers our fair will not be successful, so for every volunteer I would like to say thank you.
I would like to thank the Wahkiakum Fair Foundation for the projects they are doing this year at the fairgrounds. They will be putting up a new flag pole and flag, which will be dedicated to Veryl Chamberlain. The youth building floor will receive a nice coat of paint and the pig barn will get a permanent watering system. A big thank you to you and all your board members who have made these projects possible.
We will be having an indoor sale in the T-building on Saturday and Sunday (June 22nd & 23rd).
If you were a vendor last year and I haven’t talked to you by next week please give me a call. Keep watching to see what our fair raffle grand prize will be.
The fair office will be open next week Monday & Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday through Friday 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday by appointment only.
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