There was lots of lawn mowing and haymaking during that dry spell and with the recent rain soak I’m sure the grass will be growing twice as fast so we can do it all over again.
Many in our community took the opportunity to stop in and visit with Bob and Bev Paul during the last few days that the Grays River Café was open, and to wish them well in their new ventures. They have served our community well (literally) with the delicious food that was prepared and served at our local café, and they will be missed. You always felt like you were truly welcome in their restaurant and the service was always superb, as was the food. Thanks again, Bob, Bev, Caroline and Joy for the many enjoyable meals, the good conversations and your friendship. I wish you well in your new restaurant and Del and I will definitely be stopping by.
The Grays River United Methodist Church will hold their annual Blessing of the Animals on June 23. This special service will be held outdoors at 10 a.m. followed by a stuffed potato luncheon hosted by the ladies of the church. Bring your critters and then enjoy this yummy lunch.
As a point of clarification, the old Rosburg School is now officially known as the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park. The building is being used as a community center and the surrounding grounds are called Johnson Park. The physical address is 30 Rosburg School Road, Rosburg, WA 98643 and the mailing address is PO Box 15, Rosburg, WA 98643. The phone number is (360) 465-2310. Messages left on the answering machine will be responded to within 24 hours. You can also access information on upcoming events and the name of the free Friday night movie by calling that number.
If you wish to contact our events coordinator, please call Judy Durrah at (360) 465-2331 for information on scheduled events or to reserve the building or the grounds. The board members can be reached at their home phone numbers but we would like to try and utilize the phone at the center as much as possible.
Join us on Facebook at the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park or on the web at for updates on what is happening now as well as future events in the months ahead.
A volunteer is available at the center on Mondays from 3 to 7 p.m. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Grays River Valley Library/Community Computer Center. We hope this information will give us a little more consistency in what to call this jewel in Rosburg as well as eliminate unnecessary calls for you.
Storytime at the Grays River Valley Library will continue on Friday, June 28 at 10 a.m. for your tots. Listen to an age-appropriate story with your child and maybe bring a picnic lunch to top the morning off.
Raffle tickets are available for the beautiful handmade quilt on display at the Grays River Valley Library. Tickets are $1 each and the drawing will take place at the second annual October Feast dinner on October 12. Get yours at the Grays River Valley Library or from an advisory board member.
The June `doTERRA’ essential oil meeting will be held at the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park on June 22 at 3 p.m. Oils that can be used to cure cancer and other diseases will be the topic of discussion. Dennis and Connie Nagasawa, independent product consultants for `doTERRA,’ are the sponsors for this meeting.
If you are looking for alternatives to taking prescription drugs for some of your ailments, why not give this a try? I am quickly becoming a believer that having a choice is a good thing, especially if natural works as well as prescriptions.
For all of you folks who were looking forward to the annual Pig Roast and Campout at the Toftemark property, it will not take place this year. Poul and Zenaida are still in the process of adopting their son and the proceedings are taking much longer than anticipated. Zenaida is handling some of the details in the Philippines and young Elmer is living with her there. Hopefully, the adoption will be finalized and the immigration paperwork will be done in time for next year’s Pig Roast and a welcome home to Elmer at the same time.
Don’t forget the annual yard sale sponsored by Search and Rescue will be held in the parking lot of the Bank of the Pacific branch in Cathlamet on June 29 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This event is a major fundraiser benefitting the Wahkiakum County Search and Rescue.
The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets every week at the Rosburg Hall and enjoys a great home-cooked meal prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. Lunch is served at noon.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays the Rosburg Senior Community Lunches are served at the same location and are sponsored by CAP. Menus for the coming week: June 20-chicken enchilada, Spanish rice, fiesta vegetables and raspberry bars; June 25-beef pot roast, steamed potatoes, carrots and mushrooms, tossed salad and pineapple upside down cake; June 27-chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli Normandy, sliced oranges and carrot cake.
Happy Birthday to the following: Sheriann Wirkkala, Byron Saari, John Dreyer, Leon Gollersrud, Peggy Dotson, Sabrina Wirkkala, Lorie Smith, Jennifer Bennett, Jenny Klinger, Matt Blaine, Andy Mattson, Brandice Warra, Paula Braniff, Chelsea Johnson, Tim Trimble, Sophie Scrabeck, Lilia Lemon, Sawyer Wirkkala, Doug Miller, Quinn Donlon, Reiko Dziados and John Larson. I hope all of you have a wonderful day.
Happy Anniversary to Wilho and Kaisa Saari, Mike and Carrie Nortrup, Wally and Maria Wirkkala, David and Joyce Rangila, Keith and Diane Wirkkala and Stacy and Rachel Katyryniuk. I wish you many more celebrations together.
We are looking forward to a visit from our nephew and niece, Mark and Melissa from Yucca Valley, CA this week. They will be here for several days, and hopefully we will get a few (and only a few) sprinkles of rain while they are here. In Yucca Valley they drive for miles just to see and feel the rain. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
Our youngest son Carl is home for most of the summer and will be catching up on some maintenance around the property. Our annual 4th of July celebration will likely be a little smaller this year as only three of the six kids can make it. It will be great to see the ones who will be here and their friends as well. We always have lots of fun.
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