News from Naselle:
The final few days of school are here for the Class of 2013 at Naselle-Grays River Valley High School, and a whole new chapter of life is about to open for each of them. By coming this far they should know that nothing can stop them now from doing what they really want to do with the rest of their lives. This class has worked hard for the rewards that lie ahead, and I want to wish them the best.
This Sunday at 5:30 p.m. the class of 2013 will participate in Baccalaureate held in the Naselle Commons.
Graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2013 will take place on June 8 at 4 p.m. in the gymnasium. Kindergarten graduation will be held on June 10 at 6 p.m. and Eighth Grade Move-Up ceremony will be held on June 11 at 6 p.m.
I’m not sure that many folks are aware of an excellent movie that was recently shown at the Grays River Valley Center and also in Cathlamet. The movie is provided by Charlotte House and is called “Bully.” Though we don’t like to think about this subject in our own backyard, it is happening. “Bully” is a well-done movie portraying this problem, and is a must see for parents and kids alike, preferably together. The Grays River Valley Center would like to show it again near the end of summer, and would like to hear your input. I will have more information in columns to come.
Other news from the Westend:
Family and friends gathered last Saturday to bid a fond farewell to another icon of the local community. Ernest Richard Wirkkala (“Ernie” to many of us) passed away in his home on May 21 at the age of 96. Graveside services were held at the Seal River Cemetery, followed by a memorial service at the Valley Bible Church and a reception including many of his friends, neighbors and of course his extended family.
Many members of his family travelled some distance, including his son Richard Wirkkala from Red Wing, Minnesota, his granddaughter Ann Wirkkala from Minneapolis, his granddaughter Amy Down from Hermiston, Oregon; daughter Rebecca from Wood Village, Ore., and her son Jeremiah from Tigard. His granddaughter Naomi Stamoolis (Gail’s daughter) flew in from Alaska, while Natalie Heppner had just arrived the night before from her teaching job in Rwanda. Natalie will be going back to her previous teaching job in the Matanuska Valley of Alaska near where she grew up. Other cousins and family members travelled from around the country. He was the patriarch of a wonderful family.
A World War II veteran, it seems quite fitting that he be laid to rest on a Memorial Day weekend celebrating our veterans.
Though I didn’t know him well, he was quite the character. When he was still driving his car, I followed him several times on the highway and he was very cautious, usually not going over 45 miles per hour. If he thought you were too close, he would pull over and politely motion you around him.
Ernie will certainly be missed by all who knew him. My deepest condolences go out to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.
Don’t forget the Free Friday Movie Nights at the Grays River Valley Center at 7 p.m. each week. Last week’s family friendly movie was postponed to a later date. This week’s movie will be shown on schedule, and has a more mature rating. Call 465-2310 for more information.
Raffle tickets are available now for a beautiful handmade quilt on display at the Grays River Valley Library. Tickets can be purchased at that location or from board members for $1 each. The drawing will be held in October at our Second Annual Sauerbraten Dinner. Winners need not be present to win.
Our sewing room at the Grays River Valley Center is available for “open sew” on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. You can contact Arlene Stefan at 465-2919 for more information.
Storytime for toddlers and preschool children will take place on May 31 at 10 a.m. Come with your youngsters and listen to age-appropriate stories lasting about 30 minutes. For more information, please call Ramona Collver at 465-2597 or the library at 465-2310.
Volunteers are still welcome to join our elite group at the Grays River Valley Center. I say “elite” because there aren’t many of us. If you have a couple of hours a week, we can use help in the library/computer center, outside grounds, helping out with new projects, and more. Or, if you have a special skill, why not teach a class to others?
The Johnson Park Advisory Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on June 5 at 12:30 p.m. The public is welcome.
Is your home protected by smoke detectors? If not, Grays River Fire District #3 has a great deal for you. Through a FEMA grant, the department has extra smoke detectors that can be installed in your home for free. If you are interested in getting free smoke detectors installed in your home, please call Jon Gudmundsen at 465-2733 or Kevin Maki at (503) 298-7286. You must live within the boundaries of District #3, and the detectors must be installed by members of the Fire Department.
The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets each week at the Rosburg Hall for a good home-cooked meal prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. Lunch is served at noon and you are sure to enjoy the companionship and visiting with your neighbors as well as the food.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays senior lunches are also served at the Rosburg Hall and are sponsored by CAP.
Happy Birthday to the following: Amanda Badger, Ted Swanson, Tylor Nortrup, Rylan Chandler, Oscar Penttila, Alex Bighill, Derek Johnson, Cramer Smith, Kerry York, Jacob Eaton, Kaden Cooper, Kyle Burkhalter, Charlie Otterson, Grace Zimmerman, Tylor Russel, Tom Thompson, Abigail Bennett, Bob Engelson, Jordan Badger, John Indermark, Mindy Penttila, Brenda See, Errin Smalley, Kyle Donlon and David Bighill. Here’s wishing you an extra special day.
Happy Anniversary to Vincent and Kathy Stoeff, Kyle and Jenni Isaak, Ryan and Cherise Bjornsgard, Tim and Deanna Wilson and Richard and Linda Cary.
I had a wonderful holiday weekend with a few family members, even though the visit was a short one. It’s always so good to have them here.
Our baby puppy population is getting smaller. So far five of the seven are off to their new homes, and it will only be another week until we have no more little squealers. They are lots of work but a welcome diversion from other everyday happenings. All of the puppies have wonderful new homes and families, and we look forward to them coming back for visits.
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