Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Filing opens May 13 for elected offices

Filing for elected offices that will appear on this year's primary and general election ballots will take place May 13-17 in the Wahkiakum County Auditor's office.

Positions that will appear on the ballot include:

County sheriff--one year unexpired term; Mark Howie, incumbent. Filing fee is $700.27.

The position is a partisan position; all other positions are non-partisan.

Fire District 1, commissioner position 1, 6-year term--Lee Tischer incumbent. Filing fee is $12.

Fire District 2, commissioner position 3, 6-year term--Kent Martin incumbent. Filing fee is $12.

Fire District 3, commissioner position 1, 2-year unexpired term--Don Smith incumbent. No filing fee.

Fire District 3, commissioner position 3, 6-year term--David White incumbent. No filing fee.

Fire District 4, commissioner position 3, 6-year term--Larry Hendrickson incumbent. Filing fee is $12.48.

Cemetery District 1, commissioner position 2, 6-year term. Fred Stanley, incumbent. No filing fee.

Cemetery District 2, commissioner position 2, 4-year unexpired term. Kent Martin, incumbent. No filing fee.

Cemetery District 2, commissioner position 3, 6-year term. Dennis Reid, incumbent. No filing fee.

Port District No. 1, commissioner position 1, 6-year term, Brett Deaton incumbent. North and South Cathlamet precincts. No filing fee.

Port District No. 2, commissioner position 2, 6-year term, Brian O'Connor incumbent. Grays River and part of Skamokawa precincts. No filing fee.

Skamokawa Water and Sewer Commission, position 1, 4-year unexpired term, vacant. Filing fee $24.96.

Skamokawa Water and Sewer Commission, position 3, 6-year unexpired term, Oliver Van Den Berghe incumbent. Filing fee $24.96.

Town of Cathlamet

Mayor, 4-year term, George Wehrfritz incumbent. Filing fee $30. Wehrfritz has announced he will not seek re-election.

Council position 1, 2-year unexpired term, Steven McNicholas incumbent. Filing fee $10.

Council position 4, 4-year term, Robert Rendler incumbent. Filing fee $10.

Council position 5, 4-year term, Ruth Doumit incumbent. Filing fee $10.

Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors

Director position 1, 2-year unexpired term, vacant. No filing fee.

Director position 3, 4-year term, Mike Quigley incumbent. No filing fee.

Director position 4, 4-year term, Lee Tischer incumbent. No filing fee. Tischer announced last week that he wouldn't seek re-election to the position.

"Sixteen years on the board has been very rewarding, but it is time for someone else to fill my chair," he said. He added that he will seek re-election to the Fire District 1 board of commissioners.

Director position 5, 4-year term, Michelle Budd incumbent. No filing fee.

Naselle/Grays River Valley School District

Board of Directors

Director position 2, 4-year term, Art Hyland incumbent. No filing fee.


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