Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Network director explains ADO decision

To The Eagle,

On Tuesday of last week, I had an opportunity to discuss economic development and the Department of Commerce’s Associate Development Organization (ADO) grant awarded to Wahkiakum County with Commissioner Mike Backman. Commissioner Backman consulted with me to discuss the outcome requirements of the ADO grant and explore if changes to the grant might assist the county in achieving its expected outcomes. I was pleased Wahkiakum Community Network was able to assist the county in this consulting service. Working with contractual agreements with Washington State and the Department of Commerce is something Wahkiakum Community Network is well experienced in. The Network has been a recipient of Washington State grants for 17 years and had been honored by Washington State for outcome achievements multiple times since we began in 1996.

After taking time to review the ADO contractual agreement, Commissioner Backman asked my opinion if the county might increase its ability to achieve the grant outcomes if the grant was awarded to Wahkiakum Community Network, considering the broad sector representation on our board of directors and our success with other grant achievements. I expressed to Commissioner Backman that there is no doubt that the ADO grant opportunity would definitely help the Network achieve its purpose to improve the lives our youth and families by increasing economic development for our families. It is a fabulous opportunity for our community! However, in my view, I do not see the opportunity for the Network to become the Associate Development Organization for Wahkiakum County as a positive change for the county.

On Wednesday evening, I presented the ADO grant opportunity and expected outcomes for this funding to the Network’s board members, and after thoughtful discussion, Wahkiakum Community Network board of directors formally declined the opportunity. Our board members concur that currently Wahkiakum Community Network is not the best fit for the ADO grant at this time.

I respect the intentions of this funding opportunity and I commend Commissioner Backman’s desire to maximize the grant’s intended objectives. By strengthening the outcomes of the ADO, our county has an opportunity to improve economic development opportunities in Wahkiakum County, which in turn, will improve the lives of our youth and families for years to come.

I believe the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce is in the best position to help the county achieve the ADO grant objectives. If the county is exploring how to maximize these funds and increase the Chamber’s success at achieving its objectives, then I suggest the county consider exploring revising their contract to establish measurable benchmarks in its contractual agreement. By clearly identifying benchmarks for these funds, it helps ensure that both the county and the recipient understand the expected outcomes of the grant and provides the county with clear benchmarks to measure the grant’s success.

Wahkiakum Community Network would like to express its gratitude to Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce staff and its members for pursuing efforts to increase economic development opportunities in Wahkiakum County and commend our county leaders for being good stewards of our public funds. If Wahkiakum Community Network can be of service to Wahkiakum County and/or the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce to help increase the successful outcomes of these grant funds, we look forward to partnering with both agencies. It is through strong collaboration between our respective agencies that we can achieve our goal of improving the lives of our youth and families in Wahkiakum County.

Lia Sealund

Wahkiakum Community Network Executive Director



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