Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Writer asks for memories of local shoe repair businesses

NOT ALL BAD--Our weekend weather wasn't totally bad, although it certainly was not as nice as last Thursday’s wonderful sunshine! For those traveling to basketball games, it was either nice and dry or pouring down rain. While I preferred the dry part, I'm just glad the downpours were usually short-lived.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays this week include Rebecca Castillo, Nick Tarabochia, Darrin Dow, Wyatt Parker, Ray Danielsen, Mary Hedman McLaughlin, Morgan Spieth, Sally Nollan, Ursula Jorgensen and Shari Gorman Parker. Belated birthday wishes to Debbie Beebe and Hilary Brown. Hope you had great birthdays!

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wirkkala, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Heagy, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Peek. Enjoy your special days, everybody!

STILL GOING--I mentioned in a previous column that local band Willapa Hills was coming to an end. However, it will continue on as a three piece group consisting of Andrew Emlen, Kerrie McNally and Jennifer Hanigan. I know Kerrie is doing some recording, as is Sunrise Fletcher. He’s got a new thing going with his Blind Luck Combo band. Good luck to them as well.

GET WELL--I see that Sheriff Mark Howie has had a couple of surgeries lately. I wish him a speedy recovery. Take care, Mark!

GREAT GAMES--I'm not sure going to recent Mules basketball games was good for my health, although the extra blood pumping through my veins at a hundred miles an hour ought to have cleared out any blood clots I might have. Of course, I could keel over from all the excitement, but it's sure a good way to feel alive! Congrats, boys, on an awesome win last Saturday night in Rochester!

On the way home, we stopped at Parker's Steakhouse and Brewery in Castle Rock for a snack and wound up with an extra treat as Tony was playing with his band in the lounge. I'm sure many old Duck Inn customers will remember Tony from his days playing guitar and singing with his former band Coda. It was great to hear him once again.

Then last Monday in Chehalis, we got to enjoy another awesome win. That time they took the lead and never looked back, dominating Mossyrock to win the third place trophy. The boys played well, but I have to admit this grandma certainly loved the five point play pulled off by grandson Austin Good. It was a dandy with a basket, a steal, and a slam as he went for the hoop but took a foul. He made the basket anyway plus the foul shot. The smile on his face was totally priceless!

The Mules head to Sunnyside on Saturday and will be playing Liberty Bell. Keep the Mule train rolling, boys!

THIS SATURDAY--If you like stew, you might want to head over the hill to take in the beef stew dinner and bazaar that will be held at the Grays River United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The meal comes with tasty cheese bread, dessert and a beverage all offered for a free-will donation to the church's Friendship Circle. They'll have homemade items for sale as well. With former Grays River resident Veryl Chamberlain coming to visit this weekend from Benton City, I'm guessing he and my husband Bill Chamberlain will be there to see everybody sometime during the day.

THIS SATURDAY EVENING--The Oasis Tavern will be hosting several local musicians this Saturday night beginning at 7 p.m. Stop by to hear Pat Conrad, Jerry Ledtke and Grayson Moody strumming and singing for your entertainment.

ALSO THIS SATURDAY--If you like to act or sing, why not zip across the river to the Astor Street Opry Company playhouse in Astoria to audition for their upcoming melodrama? It’s entitled The Real Lewis and Clark Story or How the Finns Discovered Astoria. Try outs are this Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. and then again from 6 to 8 p.m. The show’s parts are for people aged 17 and older. If you're interested in being in the show but can't make it this Saturday, call (503) 325-6104 or email director Judith Niland at

REDMEN HALL OPENS--When Redmen Hall reopens February 28, they will be opening with quite an array of special items. They are holding another huge antique sale from February 28 to March 3 with hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. With more locally made items on the shelves, it's a great place to shop and a good way to support local artisans. Don't delay in finding unique items for yourself or someone you know, as this sale has been a huge hit in the past and I'm sure it will be so again!

MANY MARCH DOINGS--March is coming right up and will be a busy month. Here are a few events that are going on:

For those that like crab, there are two crab feeds coming up in the area. One will occur in Rosburg on March 2 and the other will be held on Puget Island on March 9. Remember to bring your own garlic butter and a covering for yourself, as those crabs can be plenty messy!

The Sons of Norway will hold their monthly meeting on March 6 at 7 p.m. at the Norse Hall on Puget Island. Their monthly bingo game with cash prizes is scheduled for March 9. Card sales begin at 5:30 p.m. and the cards cost $5 each. Play starts at 6 p.m. Drinks, snacks and Scandinavian goodies will be available for purchase.

Plans for the Sons of Norway’s corned beef and cabbage feed on March 16 are already underway. Tickets cost $10. Don't miss out on this Irish dish fixed by a bunch of Norwegians in order to help support and maintain historic Norse Hall!

The Skamokawa Grange will meet Monday with potluck starting at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Plans are in the works for the upcoming Smoky Water Follies performances at the end of June. If you're interested in helping with the fundraiser, we'd certainly appreciate it. We need singers, dancers, people to run the curtain, ticket takers, and more, and kids are especially encouraged to join in. Give Sunrise Fletcher or me a call if you want to help out in some way.

The Skamokawa United Methodist Church will be hosting the annual Hosanna Musicale performance on Palm Sunday. If you'd like to take part, give Randi Curtis a call at 795-0628 and she'll get you set up in the program.

If you're into fishing, you'll want to show you can "Hook the Hawg" at the upcoming Salmon Derby on March 29 and 30 with cash prizes. This is a Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce event with proceeds going towards Wahkiakum High School scholarships. Tickets are available at the Elochoman Slough Marina and at the Bank of the Pacific. The ticket cost for adults 17 and older is $20. Tickets for youth 11-16 years cost $10. There is no charge for kids aged 10 and under. If you'd like to know more, contact the chamber at 795-9996.

EASTER BINGO--Easter is next month on March 31 and the Wahkiakum Fair Board will be having their Easter Bingo event at the JA Wendt Elementary multipurpose room on March 22. The doors always open a half hour prior to the bingo. Hours for bingo are from 6 to 8 p.m. You'll be able to buy hot dogs or nachos and pop and other goodies there as well.The big raffle prize this time is a Samsung Galaxy Tablet.

GREAT VALENTINE’S DAY--I trust you had a great Valentine's Day. Those of us who got to go to the Wahkiakum Fair Board Valentine Dinner and then to the Duck Inn's Valentine dinner a few days later got a double treat. The Duck Inn was decorated in a sea of pink and red and both the restaurant and lounge were hopping busy.

SYMPATHIES--I want to send my deepest condolences to the family members of Ray Wood. He lost his battle with cancer on Sunday evening. Last month Ray was able to fulfill his wish to once again play in a band with his sister Judy and her husband Cliff Garrison. The group played at the Oasis Tavern. Cliff and Judy played guitar while Ray played the drums until he got too tired to continue on, but the smile on his face let everyone know that the night was a dream come true for him. Special hugs to Judy and to his daughter, Jessica, as well as all the rest of Ray’s family and friends. Ray’s service will be held March 16 at 2 p.m. at Heritage Bible Church on Puget Island.

DO YOU KNOW?--While I was chatting with Nova McNally the other day, she mentioned that she remembers a shoe repairman in Cathlamet. Roger Davis said he remembered one too, but they each remember the shop in different places, so here's your brain teaser for the week: Was a shoe repair shop located in Cathlamet on Main Street, in the old Wright building, or both? Let me know if you've got some history to share!


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