News from Naselle:
Naselle students will have Winter Break beginning next Wednesday. They will return to classes on March 4.
Other news from the Westend:
The Grays River United Methodist Church’s Friendship Circle will be serving their Stew Lunch & Bazaar this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this delicious beef stew, cheese bread, beverage and dessert prepared and served by the members of the Friendship Circle. You are welcome to leave a free-will donation for the meal. Take-out orders are also available. Orders can be called in on the day of the event by calling 465-2391.
Also for sale will be baked goods, handcrafted items, original artwork and a few resale items in the church and social hall.
The church is located on State Route 4 near Milepost 18, on the hill above the Grays River Café. For information on the day of the event, call 465-2740.
Tickets are going fast for the Annual Crab and Oyster Feed at the Rosburg Hall sponsored by the American Legion Deep River Post #111. Doors open at 6 p.m. on March 2. If you don’t have yours yet, it may be too late as there are only 200 tickets available. For tickets and more information call L. D. Rose at 465-2234 or speak with any Legion member.
Admission to the crab feed is $28 per person which includes the dance. Feast on crab, oysters, baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw and garlic bread. Raffle tickets are sold for some great prizes. If you wish to attend only the dance, you can purchase a ticket to that portion of the evening (9 p.m. to midnight) for $5. Alcoholic beverages will be available in the hall but outside alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
Tickets are on sale for $10 for the Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction sponsored by the Johnson Park Advisory Board. The dinner will be held in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park on March 9 from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets must be purchased in advance, as no tickets will be available at the door. The menu includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and a beverage. Wine will also be available as a separate purchase. Come for a great meal and good company, as well to benefit your local community center. Tickets are available at the Grays River Valley Library at 465-2310, from Penny Gregory at 465-2775, Steve or Linda Ramsay at 465-2731, Trudy Fredrickson at 465-2960 and also at the Rosburg Store.
Some very nice and interesting auction items have been donated for this event, but we can use a few more. Please call Penny Gregory at 465-2775 if you would like to donate an item.
It’s early yet, but if you would like to share some of your favorite plants by donating them to the second annual plant, bake and book sale and soup luncheon scheduled for May 18 at Johnson Park, please contact Penny Gregory or me. During that event we will also be showcasing the work of one of our talented artists from Grays River, Beverly Wallace. She has some very interesting paintings and we welcome her generosity in sharing them.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets each week at the Rosburg Hall for a delicious meal prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. On Tuesdays and Thursdays senior lunches are also provided at the same location and they are sponsored by CAP.
Happy Birthday to the following: Paul Wirkkala, Audrey Ullakko, Rhonda Warra, Logan Leaf, Rowena Ehrlund, Mike Queener, Judy Indermark, Cortney Engelson, Gary Nelson, Craig Mattson, Marsha Woods, Jackie Sotka, Shannon Tetz, Shirley Miller, Barbara Tienhaara, Stephanie Forbes, Hayden Gudmundsen, Joel Strange, Maria Rogers, Bob Paavola, Penny Harley and Jadon Bjornsgard. I hope each of you have a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Jon and Noralyn Pakenen, Charlie and Joyce Otterson and to Danny and Amber Parker. Wishing you many more celebrations.
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