Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Get your costumes ready for Halloween

WET BEGINNING--Well, as this week began, it was pretty damp out there. Some places wound up with hail, while others had none, so it really depended on where you were as to whether you had gully washers at your house or you had sunshine! In the mountains, snow was falling and Monday's temperatures had everyone feeling the chill, so it seems our extended summer weather has finally come to an end.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating their birthdays from October 25-31 are: Valle Ledtke, Jennifer Hall, Hoby Thacker, Mike Wright, Christie Davis, Mel Dominque and Maury Mooers.

Happy anniversary wishes this week go out to Ty and Jennifer Norris, Jack and Gwen Gorley and the Greg Bains. Hope you have wonderful celebrations!

CONGRATS--Looks like we get to add another birthday to the list as it seems Lee and Diane Tischer are the proud grandparents of their first grandson, thanks to daughter Darcy. Congratulations to everyone and for those that know Lee, you can look for him to have a new hot rod with the grandson's name on it in no time!

HALLOWEEN FUN--It's that time of year when kids are out and about and ready for some Halloween fun, and it all gets started this weekend, a few days prior to the actual trick or treating day which is next Wednesday. If you like carnivals, then we hope you'll take the kids up to the St. James Family Center gymnasium from 2-5 p.m. and let them have some fun, as they enter the costume contest, enjoy the bake walk, have their pictures taken and enjoy some hotdogs and chips too. Tickets for the event are five for a dollar, with all proceeds going to help the United Way.

Later in the evening, our area's Search and Rescue group will be hosting a Halloween Dance this Saturday night up in the multi-purpose room at the J.A. Wendt Elementary school from 6 to 10 p.m. Admission is by donation, with all proceeds going to help Wahkiakum's Search and Rescue. It is hoped that everyone will come and have a good time, and dance to the music of Columbia Crew. The event is sponsored by the Wahkiakum Community Network, so I'm sure they'll be involved in picking out the winners of the costume contest and overseeing the goodies, which are being provided by Sugar Lilies and Bottoms Up Espresso. Everyone under 16 must be accompanied by a guardian.

Don't forget to get all dressed up for Neewollah Daze, which take place at the Bank of the Pacific on Halloween afternoon, next Wednesday. They will be passing out treat bags to everyone and they will be having some cookies and punch on hand for you to enjoy too. There will special prizes for those with the best costumes in various categories, so be sure to be there in your best costume and enjoy all the fun, with the contest beginning at 4 p.m. Don't be late!

GROWN UPS--On my way to and from the Skamokawa Grange, I stopped to talk to new business owner, Eileen Tietje and got a first hand look at the new interior of the Oasis Tavern that she and husband Rick have just reopened, and let me tell you, the pictures in the paper just haven't done it justice. The tables and bar just gleam with their beautiful coat of marine finish on them and the light from the uncovered windows gives it a brighter look as well.

Eileen and Rick (and helpers) have done a marvelous job fixing up the place and we're hoping you'll stop in.

Now, as long as you're 21, you might want to head down this way and take in the Halloween Pirate Party and all its festivities this Friday night. The newly opened bar is having their very first big Halloween bash with live music by local Layton Elliott, and the Bloody Pirates, featuring Don Wages, Pete Davis and Patrick Carrico from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. There will also be prizes for the folks that get all dressed up and get the most votes for having the best costume. You don't have to dress up and be a pirate but hey, it would be fun!

DUCK INN--If you're looking to go somewhere this Saturday night, then head to the Duck Inn and take part in their Halloween festivities, as first prize winner will be getting a 42 inch flat screen TV! Besides the big prize, there will be plenty of other gift certificates and door prizes given as well. It will also be time to put on your crooner routine as well, as there'll be karaoke that night too.

Don't forget, for just $20, if you call an hour ahead of time, or $25 if it's last minute, you can get a ride home and so will your car, so come out and have a good time, but don't drink and drive. Both of the establishments have the number to call to get you and your car home safely, so just ask for them for the number or have them call it for you! However, if you want to put that number in your cell phone right now, just enter 1-855-843-3787 (THE-DRVR)

NICE BBQ--There was a nice group at the Skamokawa Grange this past Saturday evening when Mike Backman hosted a barbecue with salmon, burgers and more, as he met with members of the community and talked to them about his plans for what he'd like to do if he got voted in as County Commissioner, District #1.

MULE POWER--Wow, the Mules sure ate a whole lot of duck last week, and after the disappointing loss the week before, it was great to see them pour on the Mule Power and do a little stompin' Mule style! With the boys all dressed in mud, well, they looked like they deserved that win for sure. As many of you may have noticed, the score in the Daily News was incorrect but the headline and story were great. Needless to say, this grandma was pretty proud of grandson Austin Good!

RUMMAGE SALE--The book and rummage sale at the fairgrounds this past Saturday went over very well. With more money given to the kids for their fair premiums this year, and more kids than ever putting things in the fair, well, some extra dollars had to come from the budget so it's nice to be gaining some of that back. Needless to say, if you want to do a little shopping and get some great books really cheap, then head to the fairgrounds on Saturday for some great deals!

VISTA PARK--It was promised all summer but didn't show up, however it's finally here--the sand has been restored at Skamokawa Vista Park and the big empty hole is gone! With 186, 000 yards of sand having been pumped in, you know there's a lot of material there. It was all very interesting to see it being pumped in, which looked more like dirty water than sand and then have the water part drain out and see the cats pushing the remaining sand around. Due to the constant noise of the dredge and machinery, the neighbors were not nearly as impressed with the operation, but now that's it's done and peace and quiet has been restored, I'm sure everyone is much happier. Plus, it was better to have it pumped in now when campers in the park are in much smaller numbers, than to have a jam-packed park and have all those people ticked off and wanting a refund, so while it was inconvenient for awhile for some, it really was done at the best time possible.

HEALTH ISSUES--Well, Veryl Chamberlain was feeling a bit under the weather so hubby, Bill headed across the mountains to the Tri-Cities area and visited with his dad and his sister Karen Blain and family for a few days this past week.

I also heard that little Bailey McKinley had to make a trip to the ER one evening, so we hope she doesn't have to make anymore of those trips as we know that's not fun for either her or her folks! The Hatiers had also been feeling bum lately so we hope they are on the mend now as well, and for all of you others who are all feeling a little puny, we hope you're on the mend soon!

NEED ARTISANS--The Friends of Skamokawa will be holding their annual Holiday Bazaar up at the Redmen Hall beginning right after Thanksgiving but they really could use some more folks to show and sell their crafts. I know we have a ton of talented folks around here, so you are invited to bring your things to the hall and offer them to the public during their holiday event. If you'd like more information, give Diane Stockhouse a call at 849-4145. The hall is open Thursday-Sunday, noon to 4 p.m.

IN CONJUNCTION--During that same time frame, for one day only, the Skamokawa Methodist Church will be holding their Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale on November 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., so you can check out the Redmen Hall and the church for all your holiday gifts. The church will also be selling chili and corn bread and renting out tables for those who would like to sell their holiday items; tables are rented for $10 and if you're interested, you can call Carol McClain at 795-3337.

TICKETS ON SALE--Don't forget to buy those tickets for the $300 holiday gift basket being given away by the Skamokawa Grangers and the Skamokawa Fire Department! You can buy them at the Skamokawa Store for just $1 and you don't have to be present to win. You can also contact me for tickets as well! The drawing will take place on December 8.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY--Please watch for all the goblins next Wednesday night as they travel from house to house, and be sure to have some candy on hand as you don't want to get tricked by those ghosts! Have fun, kids! Say goodbye to yet another month!


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