Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Spaghetti dinner to help local couple

WET AT LAST--Well, we wanted the rain, and we needed the rain and we got the rain, but we also got some winds with it, which we could have done without, but it's that time of year when we can expect these kinds of storms. Of course, this is not to say that we like them as after just a couple of days, I think we were missing all that sunshine we had. However, I think I could hear the field in front of my house going "glug, glug, glug" as it soaked up that rain and within just a couple of days, I had a nice fresh batch of green grass out there, which I'm sure made the grass-eating critters happy. However, as this work week began, and the rains pounding down upon us, accompanied by a whole lot of thunder and lightning that made our houses shake, I think we were wanting our sunshine back! We also realized that this could be a long winter if this is how it was going to be from now on! Ugh!

Also, it's that time of year to take those extra measures to drive defensively, so don't forget to turn on those headlights as it's gloomy out there and you're hard to see; while your headlights won't help you see better, they will certainly help us see you a whole lot better and that's the point!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from October 18 to 24 are Michelle Collupy, Kathy McClain, Ray Wood, Brianne Helms, Gary Backman, Mary Heagy, Aron Kuller, Kristi Knowles Longston, Nick Vavoudis, Joel Havens, Davey Hoven, Emily Elliott, Jennifer Kyle, Hunter Baldwin and Debbie Chamberlain. May all of your birthday celebrations be memorable.

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are: Greg and Lori Parke, Mr. and Mrs. Corey Cothren, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boldt, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Kyle and Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Bell. Here's hoping all of your anniversary celebrations are truly special this year!

THIS WEEKEND--It's a very busy weekend around here, as a couple of groups will be holding their annual membership meetings, which will include electing new officers I understand. On October 20, the Wahkiakum County Historical Society will be meeting in their new building around 11 a.m. and then they will eat at 11:30 a.m., with the meeting to follow. The museum will be closed for the winter beginning on October 28 and will reopen May 1. There is much that needs to be done to the new building, like putting in electricity, painting and other work, so if you'd like to help support this huge undertaking, you can send in a donation to the WCHS to: P.O. Box 541, Cathlamet, WA 98612 as they are doing some very time consuming tasks as they take on the massive job of preserving our past at our wonderful county museum.

The Friends of Skamokawa will be holding their meeting on October 21 at 2 p.m. Following the meeting, there will be refreshments and a presentation by local author Robert Pyle of Grays River.

Mike Backman, who is a candidate running for the District #1 Commissioner's seat, will be at the Skamokawa Grange Hall this October 20 from 4 to 8 p.m. He is hosting a salmon barbecue dinner, so you are all welcome to attend, as he makes himself available to the public to meet him and to answer questions they may have.

IN ASTORIA--Also this weekend, there will be a spaghetti dinner/auction fund raiser for area residents Brian and Tracy Arness who were in a bad accident awhile back, which left Brian unable to work, so this special event is to help them out. The fund raiser will take place at the Astoria Event Center from 4 to 9 p.m., with the dinner costing $10 for adults, $5 for children and kids under six, eat free. There is going to be some great prizes, one of which is $500 in cash, as well as a very nice barbecue and other great items. Tracy grew up and graduated in the Astoria area and her dad, Russ Hanson, has Russ' Tune Up shop there, so Tracy has a lot of friends and classmates there and they opted to hold this fund raiser as the couple is still in need of more medical procedures, as well as everyday needs. Also on hand to help them out, will be one of our Skamokawa locals, as Greg Parke will be providing the entertainment for the evening. It seems Greg had a run-in with an elk recently, but luckily he was OK and it didn't derail his plans for this performance, as he could have been seriously injured. Unfortunately his truck did not fare as well, so we were sorry to hear about his misfortune but glad he is alright and will still be able to perform for this fund raiser. Before you head that way, be sure to check road conditions as the Astoria bridge was closed earlier this week due to the damage from the high winds, so if it's still storming, check to make sure you don't get all the way down there and find the bridge closed.

RUMMAGE SALE--If you don't want to go to meetings or travel to Astoria, then maybe you'd like to check out the big rummage sale at the Wahkiakum County fairgrounds, which should be all set up by this weekend. If you like to read, there are always lots of books and beings they are pretty spendy to buy new, this is the time to get about ten for the price of one regular/new book, so come on down and check them out. The T-building, which is just to the right as you come into the fairgrounds is where this is all set up and if you'd like to donate something, contact Becky Ledtke by leaving a message at the fairgrounds 795-3480 and she'll let you know if she's able to take your items.

TIME TO START--Well, I know it's early but I hope you're thinking about sending out some Christmas cards this year to those who might not ordinarily get some, like the Veterans, or perhaps those in nursing homes. There are an array of places to send them, so hopefully a Sunday school class or grade school class will take this on as a project for the holidays and you'll make someone very happy by receiving a card from you! Plus, this helps our post offices keep their volume up as well, as we all know that closures and cut backs are still in the wind, so we need to support our local post office by buying stamps, buying money orders and mailing lots of notes to grandma and grandpa, or friends and not just at holiday times, but all year long. Let's all write. It's getting to be a lost art, I think, so why not sit down and drop a note to someone today, and make it a weekly habit. We'll all keep the post office busy and we'll make someone's day by getting something in the mail besides a bill or a political ad!

COUPLE MORE--Don't forget the Farmers Market on Puget Island on West Birnie Slough on October 19. There will be just one more market day, and that will be on October 26 and that is it for the year, so check them out for all your latest veggies and more before this season comes to an end.

IN OUR THOUGHTS--Former resident Nancy Corbin looked like she could use some of our best wishes for a total recovery as she is super sweet lady, who we hate to see dealing with anything but good things and happiness. Take care, Nancy! Lots of folks have been dealing with a bug and we wish them all the best. Many wish to remain nameless but just know we're thinking about you. Having had to recover from some lousiness myself a couple of times in the last couple of months, I can definitely relate. Please try to avoid sharing your bug by staying home whenever possible.

Also in our thoughts are baby Lillian Rust who is just a couple of weeks old. She was born with a very serious infection and her grandpa, Ron Rust, said the doctors are baffled over the fact that she is doing so well, as they truly believed she should not have survived. Needless to say, we hope you'll all remember her and her parents, David and Lauren, in your good thoughts and prayers as we hope for her continued recovery.

NEXT MONTH--November will be a busy month around here, and I'm sure there will be lots of plans going on for Thanksgiving dinner, whether they be near or far or with friends or family or both. Now, before that big holiday, there will be bingo at the Norse Hall on November 10, hosted by the Sons of Norway, and then more bingo at the grade school hosted by the Wahkiakum Fair Board on November 16. Then after Thanksgiving, there will be a wonderful Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale at the Skamokawa United Methodist Church on November 24, so things will be in full swing once turkey day is over, as the countdown to Christmas will have begun! If you'd like to rent a table for $10 and sell your holiday goods and things, please contact Carol McClain at 795-3337; contacting her during the morning hours is the best time to reach her.


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