Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Repeating mistakes will not fix them

To The Eagle:

One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, despite the fact that it doesn't work. Here are a few things that don't work:

Solar and wind power don't work as sources for the electric grid because they only produce power for short unpredictable periods of time, and the power must be used when it is generated. It is also prohibitively expensive unless subsidized by government, which is already running out of money.

Light rail doesn't work because it only goes where the rails go, not where people want to go, and routes can't easily be changed, unlike buses, cars or bicycles. It is also prohibitively expensive unless subsidized by government.

Socialized medicine doesn't work because it is enormously inefficient, and must be rationed. It is also prohibitively expensive: Medicaid is almost broke, Medicare is getting there rapidly and Obamacare will boot everything off the edge of the cliff.

Taxing the rich doesn't work for several reasons. The wealthy will either move their money, move themselves, or quit indulging in activities that generate income -- like creating jobs. The lower part of the "wealthy" class, small business, will just go out of business. And even if all of them ponied up the new taxes, they would comprise a tiny fraction of what's needed to eliminate the deficit.

Presidential candidate Obama is for all of the above. Gubernatorial candidate Inslee is pusing green power and light rail. Gonna vote for insanity?

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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