Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's Happening at the Fair?

Visitors and friends attending the fair had a wonderful group of people to welcome them through our Wahkiakum County Fair gates. Our admission booths were staffed with some of the nicest people from our local area. I heard some comments back about being a ticket taker last August and they were all good!

Maybe it was the little bag of treats Valle or Azery took to the workers about half way through their shifts. Maybe it was knowing they were needed and a big part of helping with fair time volunteer activities. We cannot thank them enough for their willingness to work four hour shifts and always be cheerful to everyone that came. Even our Washington State Fair Commission Judge commented on how friendly and helpful our admission booth volunteers were. I hope you will all make time in your busy schedules next year to help us out again. Thank you to Shawn Merz, Blair Brady, Deb Gribskov, Marianne Brightbill, Paula Carlson, Maureen Zacker-Bockius, Mary Gustafson, Duncan Cruickshank, Heidi Heywood, Evelyn Dahl, Serene Snow, Tracy Carroll, Dixie Anderson, Hap Anderson, Abby Buennegal, Nancy McCoy, Linda Toste, B. J. Cornett, Heidi H., Gwen Gorley, Pam Emery, Bill Mahitka, Linda Mahitka, Lynnea Scarth, Joanne Northrup, Carol Cooper, Betty Brons, Sharyl Hjaltalin, Keith Hoofnagle, Julie McKinley, Pam Below and LuAnn Hedges.

Helping find all the volunteers for the admission gates, which means spending hours on the telephone and organizing the daily schedules until they were all covered, were Kay Chamberlain and Char Damitio. Thank you!

Our Fair Board Treasurer Rick Damitio was very busy all three long days of fair keeping all the accounting up to date and the admission gates working smoothly. Occasionally he could come out of his office. Then I would see Rick sitting on the Fair Office porch with a smile on his face, just enjoying watching the people enjoying our Fair.

Part of the fair funding comes from several fund raising events that the Wahkiakum County Fair Board organizes in our community. We also depend on donations from local businesses, big companies and individuals; Noreen Fitts and Kirk Coughlin donated their judging fees back to the fair. Every dollar will be used to keep the fairgrounds in good repair and support the 105th Wahkiakum County Fair. Thank you, Noreen and Kirk, for your generous donation.

Once again the community garden in Cathlamet has received about all the straw and bedding it needs to keep their gardens looking so nice. This year they set up a huge bin for our workers to fill up, which we filled up twice! Working together we are reusing organic material the fair had and the community garden needed.

If you need to gain access to the fairgrounds contact Manager Becky Ledtke at 560-0371, or 360-795-3480 and leave a message on the fairgrounds answering machine.

The next Wahkiakum County Fair Board meeting is October 10, 7 p.m., T-Building, at the Fairgrounds in Skamokawa. The public is welcome to attend.


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