Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Who is really hogging the river?

To The Eagle:

Governor Kitzhaber has called for an end to commercial gillnet fishing. Hmm. I don't understand all the hullabaloo! I'm glad and thankful we have commercial gillnetters. I love to eat fish but I do not like to fish for it. For many years, I commuted to work from Cathlamet to Longview. From Nassa Point to county line I would see less than 10 gillnetters (I know there are more going toward Astoria). They are not out there every day or every night; they are out there only when allowed.

Now, the sport fishermen, that's a different story. Every day in the early morn until I come home, I see loads of boats on each side of the river with at least two people fishing with their poles; plus many are fishing off the road and on the beach.

Just the other day I was at Astoria and at the mouth of the river was a load of boats; guess who was on those boats, but two to four fishermen. That said, who is truly hogging the river? I have one question for Governor Kitzhaber and the sport fishermen: Seriously, what is your problem?

Toni Below



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