To The Eagle:
I’m sure that readers of The Eagle are as concerned about the increased cost estimate for a new ferry as the county commissioners are, so it may be helpful to provide more information about the cost estimate increases.
As reported by The Eagle, the new ferry had an estimated 2010 construction cost of $2,914,527. This estimate was the basis for grant applications, and the county received $2.8 million in federal ferry boat discretionary grant funding last fall. After we received the news about the grant, the ferry boat designers updated their estimate of construction cost for the vessel to $3,585,464, as of September 15, 2011.
Concerns about the transfer of heavier axle loads between the ramp and the ferry deck had been recognized in 2009, however the ferry designers felt confident they could accommodate this issue with relatively minor design changes. Only after detailed engineering evaluation did they determine a hull shape change would be necessary to accommodate these heavier axle loads. The current ferry construction estimate, with a hull shape similar to the current ferry Wahkiakum, is $4,174,000. This estimate includes a 15 percent contingency.
I believe the commissioners will give careful consideration to the various sources of grant funds available, the amount of local match dollars needed, and other costs that would be part of the total ferry project, such as ferry landing modifications. They have expressed to me their desire to look at the big picture of how they can best serve the community ferry needs for the next 50 years, while also considering our current road needs.
Pete Ringen, P.E.
Public Works Director
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