Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Head to Vista Park for Vendor's Market

WET--As this work week begins, it's a little more than damp outside in the morning hours, and not exactly the summer type weather we were wishing we'd have by this time of year. We do seem to be getting some breaks by afternoon though, so the day isn't totally a wash! On the bright side, we don't have to worry about forest fires like they do in other states and out here in the valleys, we know our water systems will keep chugging along, so that that's the good part about seeing some of this wet stuff. For hay makers, it's been tough as the best time to have done it was early on, and since then, it's been real iffy, with a very short window of opportunity to get it all down, tedded, raked, baled and in the barn. Needless to say, several folks were just getting it off the fields, and stacking it loosely to completely dry out, but that was better than losing it all. Luckily, as Tuesday morning has arrived, the sun is shining brightly and the forecast is looking good, so let's hope that Summer is back for awhile.

BALD EAGLE DAYS--Well, the Bald Eagle Days festivities got lucky with the weather as it drizzled during the night before the event and again in early morning hours prior to it, but by the time the parade came through the streets of Cathlamet, we were all basking in the sunshine and wishing we had something cooler on. It was great to go through town and see everyone there having a good time, and as usual, I saw lots of classmates, neighbors and plenty of relatives as I gabbed my way through the street, always a fun time! Great job everybody as I know how much work it is to put this all together. Remember, anyone can enter the parade if you want to, so don't wait for the chamber to call you and invite you to be in it as all you have to do is grab a form, fill it out and show up!

After the parade and some lunch, I joined Frank and Carolyn Pedersen, up at the home of our brother and his wife, Ralph and Peggy Pedersen, and we got to hear about the Frank Pedersens' recent trip to Norway. Along with them on this journey to our "home land" were Lori and Ty Finkas, Cindi Pedersen and Jeff Nicol. While they were in Oslo, they had a wonderful visit with our cousin, Sylvia Bukne. Even though she is up in years, and recently got hit by a car, she could still out-walk the rest of the family and seemed to have an endless amount of energy!

VENDORS' MARKET--This is it! It's time to head to Skamokawa Vista Park between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. this Saturday, and join the 25 vendors who have brought various crafts and things for you to buy such as jewelry, handmade wooden items, iron works, soaps, oils and candles, pottery and other artwork. There will also be vendors selling food to eat there or baked goods to take home, while others are offering canned food items and some are serving up fresh veggies to purchase. Don't forget the raffles going; from a basket of things being offered up by the Skamokawa Fire Department to firewood by the Fair or a great coffee basket by Howies Coffeehouse. You might even win one of several things offered up by the grange, one of which is a basket with $300 worth of things included in it and which will be given away at the drawing taking place at their December community dinner. John Gustafson has made and generously donated a unique little wooden bench/foot stool, so come and check it out, buy a ticket and maybe you'll be the winner of it. You don't have to be present to win either of these items but you you'll have to be able to come and get it or it can be delivered to you if you're local. The booths open for business at 10 a.m. this Saturday morning. See you there!

CHURCH--The Skamokawa United Methodist Church is having a rummage sale this Saturday as well, so we hope you'll stop by and check out their things on your way in or out of the park as you go to and from the Vendors' Market.

FAIR TIME--With the Wahkiakum County fair coming up soon, the Vendors' Market will be a great place to pick up that fair pass for this year. They are only $6 for all three days, while it's $4 a day for adults, so that's half the price if you buy them prior to the fair, a great deal! Remember, high school students are only charged $2 a day, while kids from five to 12, are only a buck and kids under five are free. There are also those special days where Seniors over 60 are free up until 4 p.m. on Thursday, kids are free up until 4 p.m. on Friday and then Military personnel with military ID are free all day long on Saturday, so if you fall into one of those categories, you might want to take advantage of that.

Parents, don't forget to have your children make something, draw something, take a picture of something, etc. and have them enter it into the fair. This is an easy way for them to earn a few dollars of their very own and it's great way for them to learn how to follow directions on how to enter, via the fair book, and see the rewards of their work and grandma and grandpa will be bursting with pride over those ribbons they get too!

TICKET TAKERS--Well, I had a great response to my plea for gate admission ticket takers at the fair, but I still have about five spots to fill, so if you can sit and take tickets for a bit, like a noon to 4 p.m. shift or a 4-8 p.m. shift on either August 17 or 18, give me a call, 795-3425.

DANCE--On August 17, the Teen Fair Dance will be taking place at the Skamokawa Grange Hall from 9 p.m. to midnight. We hope you'll bring your friends and enjoy dancing the evening away and enjoy making memories in the old grange during fair time, just like a lot of us did back in the day! Music and More will be turning the hall into a place for kids to come and have fun. The cost of admissions is $5.

REUNION TIME--Wow, the time has flown by and August 4 is right around the corner, so we hope all those that have attended school in Cathlamet at one time or another, have made arrangements to attend the upcoming, first ever Mule Train All-school Reunion that day. Susan Kuhn and Sue Anderson Cotter Sullivan have been really working hard on this reunion, and we certainly appreciate all their efforts. Right now, it looks like Susan is going to open up the registration at 10 a.m. for those who have yet to get signed in. People can come early and visit and enjoy this time together and then we'll formally open the reunion with a welcome speech by Susan at 12:30 p.m. with lunch to follow. By 3:30 p.m., we want to get the classes together and have pictures taken. A special memory booklet will be offered for $10 by the photographer. We hope you'll come and take this opportunity to see all the members of the classes ahead of you and behind you and mingle among the crowd. Don't forget the dance at the Norse Hall at 8 p.m. Fun times ahead!

MEETING PRIOR TO REUNION--For all of you who are interested in how this will all be set up and want to help out, there will be one last reunion meeting on July 30 at 10:30 a.m. at the John C. Thomas Middle School. Please try to attend if you can help.

SYMPATHIES--Our deepest sympathies go out to Rhonda Campbell Pedersen, wife of Mark Pedersen, as she lost her mom Brenda this past week. However, Brenda was a happy soul who had a great family who took her clear across the states to make one last visit to family and friends and enjoyed the whole trip, came home, waited until she saw one more person she'd been wanting to see, then slipped away peacefully. Rhonda posted a wonderful smiling, laughing picture of her mom with the saying, "Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all - If you can only remember me with tears, then don't remember me at all." A fitting poem for a happy-go-lucky lady even when she knew her life on this ole earth was coming to an end. Our sympathies to Rhonda's entire family.

SPECIAL DAYS-- Those celebrating birthdays from July 26 to August 1 are Kyler McKinley, Levi Helms, Ebby Blouin, Jacob Nelson, Natasha Montgomery, Carol Cooper, Jeff Lundborg, Mike Anderson, Noreen Holten, David Black, Robert Fritzie, Paula Monroe Olson, Hannah Davison, Jenny Cochran and yours truly, Kay Chamberlain.

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Havens and Mr and Mrs. Bill Chamberlain. Here's wishing terrific celebrations for each of us this week!


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