Rain, rain, rain is back again with a vengeance. Just as we get used to the sun and dry weather, we are brought back to reality. The plain facts of living in this beautiful part of the northwest. At least it isn’t cold and the gardens that have been planted will benefit.
News from Naselle:
The Naselle Comet track team will head to Cheny to compete in the state track meet on May 25 and 26. Good luck team!
In honor of Memorial Day the students from the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District will have May 28 off. Classes will resume on May 29.
On May 30, the community is invited to enjoy the final middle school/high school music concert of the year. It will take place at 7p.m.
Other news from the Westend:
Last weekend was a very busy time in our area and as it happened the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park held its first fund raiser. I would like to say thank you for a fantastic turnout by many locals and many out-of-towners. We even had a visit from Wahkiakum County Commissioner Dan Cothren, his wife Paula and his mom. It was a pleasure to be able to show them through the old school building, giving them a first hand look at all that has been accomplished, and what is available to the whole community. Also on hand for a tour were Lynda Gerlach, coordinator with Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce and Joan Harvey Chester, owner of the Villa, Bed and Breakfast, and a candidate for Wahkiakum County Commissioner.
The soup luncheon sold out, the bake sale was a huge success as was the plant sale with all but a couple of plants selling. All in all it was a very profitable day for the center. The proceeds will be used for upkeep and maintenance.
The Johnson Park Advisory Board would like to thank all the volunteers, Steve and Linda Ramsay, Randy and Ramona Collver, Penny Gregory, Deanne and Ann Bulick, Bonnie Kohn, Trudy Fredrickson and Nancy George. Another huge thank you to those who donated baked goods and all the beautiful plants. We sincerely appreciate your support and extra efforts to help us out. An extra special thank you to everyone who came to the event, spent time checking out the Park and Center, and purchased plants, baked goods and lunch. Remember, this is your park and your center for a wide variety of activities. We want you to utilize it to its full potential.
This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, the last long weekend before school is out for the summer and a very special one for lots of people. Why not make plans for a great family breakfast at the American Legion Pancake Breakfast and support our American heroes in uniform as well as local veterans and our youth?
Breakfast will be served at the Deep River Legion Hall from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on May 26. Enjoy a wonderful meal of all you can eat pancakes, with sides of eggs, ham or sausage, coffee, orange juice and milk. Where else can you get a great breakfast cooked and served the way you want it, for only $5 for adults and $3 for kids under 12?
Come on in and show your support and appreciation to those who serve our country and protect our freedoms.
This community is very fortunate to have the Naselle Youth Camp in our area, for more reasons than one. It is not only a major employer but is a blessing to many of the kids who are housed there, giving them a chance to become working members of society. For many of these kids, it is a last chance and the ones who are working hard to make changes in their lives should be praised. On that note, I had a reminder from Beth Kandoll that a crew from the youth camp did a wonderful job of mowing both the Seal River and Deep River Cemeteries. This is a public thank you to those who participated in that event. Your efforts are appreciated.
Only one more week until the 12th annual Derby Dollars for Scholars and Salmon Barbecue will be held at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds on June 2. Raffles, food, fun, fishing for the kids and music by the Naselle Marimba Band. All this in a family friendly atmosphere. Proceeds will be used for scholarships benefitting both Naselle and Wahkiakum High Schools.
The Rods and Reels Car Show will also be taking place at the fairgrounds on the same day. If you enjoy old cars, beautiful cars, unique cars and just plain fun cars, this is the place to be.
Our food banks here in Wahkiakum County are in need of many items that we all take for granted. The people that are going through hard times and are serviced by the food banks would benefit greatly if the following items were available to them: canned vegetables and fruits, tuna and other canned or packaged seafood, peanut butter, pasta and pasta sauces, chili, canned or packaged soups, crackers, cereal (including hot cereals), Hamburger Helper, laundry soap, hand and facial soap, toothpaste, any other non perishable food items, etc. All these things make life much easier especially if you are going through tough times. That said; please join the Sheriff’s Office and the Fire Department for two games of softball as a benefit for the food banks. The Guns and Hoses Softball Tournament games will take place at the Wahkiakum High School ball field on June 9 at 1 p.m. and on June 16 at 4 p.m. Bring items of food to donate and enjoy a fun ball game—root for your favorite team. Cash donations will be accepted but food is what is needed by the food bank.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will enjoy Pat Potter’s home made mac and cheese, salad, veggies, hot bread and dessert on May 30.
Senior lunches are also served at the above location on Tuesday and Thursday. These meals are sponsored by CAP. Menus for the week include: Thursday, the 24th-chicken Romesco, pureed hominy, spinach salad and caramel custard; Tuesday, the 29th-cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and pickle, potato salad and strawberry shortcake; Thursday, the 31st-pulled pork sandwiches, pineapple coleslaw, Oregon bean medley and berry parfait.
Happy Birthday this week to Elizabeth Dalton, Alexander Stenvall, Debbie Lopez, Marc Gacke, Linda Cary, Cherilyn Phipps, Manuel Lopez, Nikki Hoven, Darian Jacot, Makenna Busse, Darrylin Eastham, Katie Ashe, Clyde Sprague, Joyce Rangila, George Vernon, Toni Smith, Adam Jordan, Doug Wirkkala, Kaisa Saari, Mark Badger, Bryan Penttila, Amanda Badger, Ted Swanson and Tylor Nortrup. Wishing each of you a wonderful day.
Happy Anniversary wishes this week to Bill and Jeanette Grimberg and Billy and Lois Bighill.
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Bonnie Anderson of Grays River who recently passed away. She was a very special person, loved her family unconditionally, and was a friend to many. Bless you, sweet lady, and God speed. Bonnie will certainly be missed. Services have been held.
Let’s keep all of our men and women in uniform in our prayers this Memorial Day. They do their best to keep Americans free, at the risk of their own safety. Remember the veterans who have served in the past and many who have given their all for our freedoms. God Bless America!
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