Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Car show and derby slated for June 2

BIG CHANGE--Just as we were getting used to those sunny, dry days, the rains came back and have really put a damper on all those outdoor projects. By the time we get back to the dry weather, the flower beds will need weeding again. On the bright side, if you had an aching back from all that yard work, the rain gave you a break and saved you from having to water all those plants and bushes you just planted! Don't forget to check out Skamokawa Gardens Nursery on Steamboat Slough Road for all your new plants!

ALMOST HERE--We hope the weather perks up by June 2 when the Car Show and Sturgeon Derby comes to the Skamokawa Grange, Wahkiakum Fairgrounds and Park area. It will be a great time with lots of people, lots of fun, good food, big fish, fantastic prizes and hot cars. See you there!

SPECIAL DAYS--Celebrating birthdays from May 24-30 are Bryson Havens, Serene Snow, Wes McClain, John Peterson, Mike Johnson, Keil Charles Parker, Christina Lindsey, Natalie Emery, Bonnie Bigler, Rochelle Cothren, Kelly Hammond, Tim Hoven, Bobby McNally, Julie Black, Don Anderson, Nancy Corbin, Jeanne Paulsen, Amy Knowles, Stephanie Prestegard, Arnie Good, Pearl Cortay, Tiernan Cochran, Katrina Freeman, Lisa Sechler and 67'er Linda Toste. Happy Birthday everybody! Belated birthday wishes to Tina Vincent who got left off my list last week. Sorry about that; hope it was happy!

Happy Anniversary wishes this week to Bill and Linda Mahitka and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mendez. Enjoy your special days!

MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND--This is a long weekend as Memorial Day is Monday. We hope you'll enjoy this three day weekend and get to do something special. Many of our cemeteries will be decorated with flags and flowers by caring individuals or groups, such as the VFW or Boy Scouts and we thank them for that. We hope you'll take the time to honor those who have gone on before us. Here's to a safe holiday weekend!

FUND RAISERS--The Sheriff's Department will take on the Fire Department in a couple of softball games to gather food for our local food banks. One game will be on June 9 at 1 p.m. and the other will be on June 16 at 4 p.m. Both are at the high school. If you can't bring food, there will be a spot to drop off cash donations. Soups, pasta and pasta sauces, chili, peanut butter, laundry soap, toothpaste and all non-perishable items are desired. Whatever you use in your household is needed by others, so any help is appreciated. Here's to a great Guns and Hoses Softball tournament to benefit those in need!

GRADUATION COMING UP--Our Mules will graduate on June 8, so the time is coming very near to wish these young people the very best in all they do in the future. Some already have their colleges chosen and plans all made, so our hope for them is that all their dreams come true in the coming years, and may all you parents be able to adapt to these changes with their upcoming absence as well. A big time with big changes for everyone!

In our family, we're wishing Elizabeth G. Davison congratulations as she graduates from Kamiakin High School on June 2 and also grandson, Blake Sechler as he graduates from Ballard High School in Seattle on June 18. Good luck and much success to you both!

FOLLIES--The fifth annual Smoky Water Follies will take place at the Skamokawa Grange Hall at the end of June. Tickets will be on sale soon at $10 each, but if you're a couple with a couple of kids under 12, take advantage of our Family Friendly Friday Night Ticket which is only $20. Remember, June 29 and 30 are evening shows which begin at 7:30 p.m. and our Sunday matinee will be July 1 at 2 p.m. with doors open a half hour prior to the show. See you there!

RENTAL CHANGE--If you are looking to rent the Skamokawa Grange Hall, there has been a change in who to call to make those arrangements, so while you can still contact Jessica Fletcher at 795-8770, you can also call me, Kay Chamberlain, at 795-3425 and we'll get you a contract and put you down on our calendar.

REUNION--The Mule Train All School Reunion is going full steam ahead for August 4 at the middle and grade schools in Cathlamet. You can check out all the info on Facebook, or from classmates as that's where you can learn all the latest information, find the forms to fill out and gab with your classmates as well. Please spread the word and plan on coming to this first ever "all school" reunion. Also, we hope you will send in your form and $20 per person via a cashier's check or money order as soon as possible made out to the Mule Train Reunion and mailed to Susan Kuhn, P.O. Box 440, Cathlamet 98612 or contact her at Don't forget to put something in the subject line pertaining to the reunion so she knows it's not just junk mail. You can make your own form if need be, but include name and address, the year you graduated and any guests you are bringing as well as $20 per person. The $20 will cover your meal, as well as the cost of getting this put together, like the forms, envelopes, signs, name tags, etc. If you'd like to help out, let Susan know. This is a big job! T-shirt order forms will be available; shirts will cost around $15, with hoodies and other things made to order from MVP Apparel's Kyle and Kayli Hurley, who are local, so we hope you'll check out these special offers.

STILL TIME--If you'd like to be a vendor at the July 28 Vista Vendor's Market being coordinated by the Skamokawa Grange #425, you still have time to sign up. There are forms available at the Vista Park office or you can call me at 795-3425 and I'll make sure you get a form sent to you.

SPRING CLEANING--Are you going through your closets and cleaning them out while you do some Spring cleaning? Remember, if you have some clean, unstained, reusable items, you can take them to the clothing bank in Cathlamet and they can be put to good use.

Also, if you're sorting items to put in the recycling bins, make sure you're not putting food stained paper items in the paper recycling bin, as that is not acceptable material for recycling. Please do not drop off junk at the bins either. We've got a great garbage dump on top of KM that is open Thursdays and Saturdays for that. Your cooperation is appreciated in keeping the area around the recycling bins as neat as possible with all items inside the bins and not around them. If you're new here, our recycling bins are located near our Skamokawa Fire Department on East Valley Road close by the fairgrounds.

SOON--For those who are anxiously awaiting the reopening of our new and improved Duck Inn, all I can tell you is that plans are moving along, so it should be soon. It's real close to happening and it'll be worth the wait!


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