To The Eagle:
I wish to express my gratitude to our area legislators Rep. Dean Takko, Rep. Brian Blake, and Sen. Brian Hatfield who attended the community meeting regarding the dire need of dredging on our Wahkiakum County tributaries and related fisheries enhancement needs May 2, 2012 at the Skamokawa Grange Hall. They were very attentive to our needs in this area.
Rep. Takko stated he thought they could find funding for a dredge, but also he and Rep. Blake suggested the Wahkiakum Port Districts contact the Ports of Ilwaco and Chinook for a possible partnership to share the costs. Also, Rep. Blake thought a good case could be made to the area conservation districts and the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board to supplement these projects as the Bonneville Power Administration allocated funding for various fisheries related enhancement projects.
So in the upcoming months, these areas need to be pursued and a business plan for these proposals needs to be formulated.
Certainly our economically depressed county has far too long been overlooked regarding these marine commerce and fisheries enhancement issues and needs to be satisfactorily addressed.
Also sincere thanks to the Skamokawa Grange Hall Board for the use of the hall, Commissioner Lisa Marsyla, the Wahkiakum Marine Resources Committee and all those who attended this important community meeting.
Tim Tarabochia
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