Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for providing all qualified personnel, labor, equipment, and tools for the construction of the Wahkiakum Substation will be received on the behalf of Wahkiakum County PUD (the Owner) by Brown & Kysar, Inc. (BKI, the Engineer) at 1315 SE Grace Avenue, Suite 201, Battle Ground, WA 98604 until 3:00 pm PST on May 4, 2012, at which time all complying bids shall be publicly opened and read out loud at the BKI office. Any bids received after the appointed time set for receipt cannot be considered.
The Contract Documents may be obtained from the web, at A hard-copy bound set of documents may be obtained by sending a written request and a non-refundable check for $500, payable to Brown & Kysar, Inc. Include the requesting Bidder's name, mailing address, physical address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail. Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid documents shall be directed to the attention of Ryan McMaster, Project Engineer.
A pre-bid job showing will take place at the Wahkiakum Substation site at 10:00 am on April 20, 2012.
Ryan McMaster, PE
Electrical Engineer
Publish March 29, 2012
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