Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's Happening at the Fair?

It was a busy week-end at the fairgrounds with lots of horses and people enjoying our big covered arena. 4-H leader Val Rowe and her 4-H Horse Club kids, plus the parents of many of the kids and a few Pacific County Fair Board members came to look over our arena. While the 4-H Club members rode their horses, the parents, board members and I talked about the costs of building an arena like ours. We shared a potluck lunch that was delicious and then the kids saddled up their horses and took turns practicing gaming patterns for a few hours. It looked like they were practicing up for the next Silver Buckle Game Show! It was a very fun day.

Thank you to everyone who sent e-mails to our State Representatives asking them to support Funding of County Fairs. Together we have done all we can, now we just have to wait it out. Soon the budgets will be finalized and hopefully we have gotten a clear message to our representatives that we value our County Fair!

It is snowing and hailing outside, I am hoping by the middle of April the weather will be less temperamental. I mailed out the purchase order for our new bleachers last week and already received an invoice back with an approximate delivery around April 23. Hopefully the ground will be a little less soggy, as some preparations will have to be done to the area that these bleachers will be sitting on before they arrive! We are purchasing these two new bleachers using special assistance grant funds we received from the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

Circle April 6 on your calendar as the night to be at the J.A. Wendt multi-purpose room at 6 p.m. to play Easter Bingo. At this event you can play multiple bingo games and purchase $1 raffle tickets for a chance to win some nice prizes. Plenty of food snacks and ice cold drinks will be available to purchase too! Share a night of family fun with your friends and neighbors playing Easter Bingo! All proceeds will support and maintain your 2012 Wahkiakum County Fair!

Would you like to ride your horse but it is too rainy and windy again? I have 2012 horse gate keys that can be purchased for $50. Purchase this key and you can use our big covered arena year round except for Fair time and scheduled events that will be posted in the arena. If you work all day, trailer your horse down in the evening! It may be dark outside but we have big lights that will brighten up the arena for your evening ride.

The Wahkiakum County Fair Board members are Bill Chamberlain, Jim Moten, Joe Blalock, Phil Vik, Rick Damitio, Shawn Merz, Neil Beerbower, Janet Bryan, Susan Rawls, Maureen Zacher-Bockius, Martha Backman and Deb Gribskov.

If you need to gain access to the Fairgrounds contact Fair Manager Becky Ledtke at 560-0371 or you can call 1-360-795-3480 and leave a message.


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