Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Obsession with equality will lead to regression

To The Eagle:

I lament the passage of the "gay marriage" bill in our State Capitol yesterday as most of my conservative friends do. I await the petition for the referendum that I will sign to put the matter to the vote of the people of this state (unaccountably named for the father of our nation.)

All this hooha in the name of and attainment of "equality." Equality, that chimera of all good liberals, secularists, and statists (communists and collectivists too.)

Have any one of these preening, back-slapping politicians in Olympia ever studied the effects of this obsession with equality? The revolutionists of 1789 in France were into equality. Totally. They brought their equality ideas with them to the guillotine. Killed and tortured for égalité. Those speakers of "truth" to power spoke up for us, the 99 percent. A lot of good they did.

If it weren't so sad and dispiriting, it would be laughable to observe the back-slapping, absurd lawyers and politicians. They will only continue to disturb and divide the people for their own power.

We trash our true freedom and our dignity with these misguided attempts to make everything equal. Harangued and cajoled, the meek, TV watching public follows the lemmings off the cliff. Civilizations and societies regress. I hope we can start progressing some day instead of constantly having to listen to the wah-wah babies of current day.

Mike Swift.



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