To The Eagle:
The readers of The Eagle were treated to a pithy reply with wonderful humor, to my rebuttal of a previous letter. I found humor even in the not meant to be humorous, hence this letter. I did by the way send Mr. Brawn a thank you card which I hope he gets, as he does not list his full address in the book, mine is in case he would like to send one back.
First, thanks for noting our six year fight, with Columbia Land Trust, which now seems to be moving forward. I can only guess Mr. Brawn gets his news before we in the Westend do. The stuff rolls downhill. Now that is established, I need to rebut his rebuttal of my rebuttal.
On the 259 percent deficit raise. My facts have been watered down by the time I got ‘em here downriver. Bush’s went up 20.5 percent vs. Obama 23.2 percent. Considering where each started, Obama is holding his own. This especially considering Bush's $5.07 trillion new spending (drug coverage, rich tax cuts, etc.) which are permanent, while Obama's $1.44 trillion are temporary, to help keep us out of total disaster. Most of Obama's bailouts have been paid back. I realize the Chevy Volt, per your letter, is not burning up the streets, most new ideas don’t. How does one say Obama gave General Motors to the unions? I don’t know. But while on that subject, GM just took over with the highest worldwide sales. If Obama gave GM to the Unions, they are doing something right. I realize the tsunami affected the runner-up, but GM is employing people and making cars other than the Volt.
On the Solyndra deal, I wrote of dismay, but now I take the fifth, (not sure what flavor), since my humility there was not enough. Sorry, maybe you are smarter than me, but all the messages I sent in the bottles went out to sea instead of to you. On that note, I believe you can check facts on the internet, which we are blessed with in the Westend; hope you do in the swamp as well.
Poul Toftemark
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