Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

No. 11-124

Notice and Public Explanation of a Proposed Activity

in the 100-Year Floodplain and Wetland

Town of Cathlamet

PO Box 68, 100 Main Street

Cathlamet, Washington 98612

360 795 3732

To: All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals

This is to give notice that the Town of Cathlamet has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Orders 11988 and 11990 in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 to determine the potential affect that its activity in the floodplain and/or wetland will have on the environment.

The Town of Cathlamet intends to undertake a project to be funded by a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a USDA Rural Development Administration grant and loan package and a State and Tribal Assistance Grant administered by the US Environmental Protection agency to relocate the Cathlamet Wastewater Treatment Facility out of the floodplain of the Columbia River to a new site upland of SR 4 approximately 0.75-mile to the northeast, which is outside of the 100-year floodplain and wetlands adjacent to Birnie Creek. The underground portions of the new Pump Station, portions of the new influent pipeline between the Pump Station and Second Street, and a short portion of the effluent pipeline along Second Street near the point where it will connect to the existing outfall pipeline will be located within the 100-year floodplain. Six additional three-inch ports will be drilled in the existing WWTP outfall diffuser to convey stormwater and provide adequate flow through the new WWTF and associated pipelines.

It has been determined that no practicable alternative other than to proceed with the work is available, as the existing WWTP is located within the 100-year floodplain and all sewer lines in Cathlamet are directed to this location. Construction of the proposed wastewater conveyance improvements has been designed to minimize floodplain and wetland impacts, and it will allow removal of the existing WWTP from the floodplain and will have no significant impact on the environment for the following reasons:

· The portion of the new Pump Station within the 100-year floodplain will be located underground on the site of the existing WWTP and will not impact floodplain values.

· The pipeline within the 100-year floodplain between the Pump Station and Second Street will be underground and will have no impact on the floodplain.

· The new pipeline conveying wastewater between the new WWTF and the existing outfall pipeline will connect at a previously developed site, just waterward of the existing chlorine contact tank on the WWTP Site.

· Wetland impacts associated with widening of the access roadway to the new WWTF Site will be mitigated at a rate of more than 4:1 by restoring a willow thicket near the existing WWTP Site, which will improve rearing and foraging habitat for ESA-listed salmonids in the lower reaches of Birnie Creek.

Although the project is located in the 100-year floodplain and/ or wetland, the improvements cannot be undertaken in any other location due to the scope of the project. There is, therefore, no practicable alternative.

The proposed improvements conform to applicable floodplain protection standards. The proposed action will improve natural and beneficial floodplain and wetland values. Relocating and upgrading wastewater treatment and conveyance infrastructure in Cathlamet will eliminate the potential for adverse impacts to public health, water quality, critical habitat for listed salmonids and floodplain and wetlands associated with wastewater overflows to Birnie Creek and the Columbia River during severe storms; or in the event of a levee failure adjacent to the existing WWTP. Residents of the community will benefit from the elimination of this potential threat to public health. The Town of Cathlamet will also benefit from the project as the existing WWTP Site will be available for re-development.

Agencies involved in the funding of this project include the HUD/Community Development Block Grant Program administered by the Washington Department of Commerce, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Administration. Agencies providing permit approvals include Wahkiakum County, the Washington Departments of Ecology and Fish and Wildlife, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the National Marine Fisheries Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Written comments must be received by Tina Schubert at the Town of Cathlamet, PO Box 68, and 100 Main Street, Cathlamet, Washington 98612 on or before November 3, 2011. A more detailed description of the project and the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) flood maps are available for citizen review by contacting the local government.


George Wehrfritz

Mayor Town of Cathlamet

Date of Publication: October 20, 2011


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