Fair premium checks are done! They are in the mail and you should receive yours in the next couple of days. Take a look at the amount of premium money you received this year. Next year, try to bring five more exhibits to show at the fair. There will be more exhibits at our fair to look at and even more premium dollars sent your way. A county fair wouldn't be very interesting if we didn't have all the animals, grown items and handmade crafts you bring in to exhibit. Thank you for helping make our fair a success again!
If you purchased a horse gate key earlier this year and were wondering if the arena is ready for you to ride in again, it has been harrowed and is in great condition. Come on down to the fairgrounds area and put some miles on your horse. It may be raining outside but it's always dry in our arena.
The fair is over, now what to do? The Washington State Department of Agriculture has grants available for fairs. There is preference give to applications where the money will be used toward a capital improvement to address a safety and/or health situation or a legal requirement. I think we have a project that could be considered a safety problem and a legal requirement for our fair. Our old wooden bleachers do not meet the new safety standards. The new bleachers that are being built nowadays have a four foot high safety fence around them. I will get to work on this grant application now that the fair checks are in the mail. Everyone in the community keep your fingers crossed that we receive this grant for new bleachers!
I need a superintendent for the Open Adult Floral for our 2012 Wahkiakum County Fair. This department was formerly decorated and arranged by Chris Edwards. The flower exhibits make the whole T-Building look and smell so nice during each fair. Chris has spent many hours watering and keeping your flowers happy while we have them at the fair. Thank you, Chris, for all the hours you volunteered before, during and after many fairs. If you love flowers and are interested, please contact me at 795-3434 and I can fill in the details and time it takes to do this volunteer superintendent position in the T-Building.
Wasn't that a great rain storm? Never thought I would say that, but all the flowers and vegetables on the Fairgrounds just woke up again. They were drying up and suffering from too much hot weather; now they are perking up and looking happy again. The grass is turning green and will need mowing, all six acres of it. We hire a handyman for a few months each year to keep the Fairgrounds looking nice in the summer. Our handyman, Ed Stevens, is off the payroll now but he is volunteering again. I sure appreciate all he and his family do to keep the fairgrounds looking good. Thank you, Ed, Barb, McKenzie and Georgie.
Want to help sponsor next year's fair? Donate your fair premium check back to the fair! Send your check to Wahkiakum County Fair, P.O. Box 1, Skamokawa, WA 98647. We thank the community for their continued support and look forward to bringing interesting and fun events to the fairgrounds throughout the year and to the 2012 Wahkiakum County Fair.
The fair office is open by appointment only. If you need to gain access to the Fairgrounds, contact fair manager Becky Ledtke at 360-560-0371 or 795-3480 and leave a message.
The next Wahkiakum County Board meeting is October 12, 7 p.m., location to be determined. The public is always welcome to attend.
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