I’m not complaining but don’t you find it unusual that it is raining in Yucca Valley, California, and not in Grays River? With all this warm dry weather, we have been able to finally put down our hardwood flooring and are in process of putting the final coats of finish on. What a job, but certainly worth it.
News from Naselle:
Good job, Comets on last Friday’s football game. Keep up the good work.
Sports on the schedule for Naselle include: Thursday-volleyball at home with Ilwaco at 5:45 p.m .; Friday-football at home with Knappa at 7 p.m .; Tuesday-volleyball at home with Raymond at 5:45 p.m.
It looked like lots of folks took advantage of last weekend’s weather to get out to the many activities available in our area. There were lots of people checking out the swap meet at the Appelo Archive Center and the Farmfest in Naselle. Isn’t it great to live in a place that offers so much?
Other news from the Westend:
The Grays River Habitat Enhancement District will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, the 14th in the Grays River Grange Hall at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend these public meetings and refreshments are always served.
Though there has been lots of controversy with projects done by the Columbia Land Trust, they are now in the process of doing one on Mill Road, that has been sanctioned by all the affected landowners. It is certainly nice to see that they have worked with the individual landowners, listened to their concerns and worked through them. With the county commissioners, the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District, the people, and the necessary agencies all coming to the table, we hope that this project will be a win/win situation for everyone involved.
I hope that most of you were able to check out the rummage sale that was held at the home of Walt and Clara Berkshire on Loop Road over the weekend. Most of the sale items were donated because the proceeds were designated to go to a fund for a service dog for their granddaughter Kenzie Abbott. I am pleased to note that she and her family were extremely appreciative of everyone donating items, purchasing items and basically helping this young lady become a more independent person.
There is a little more to this story as far as her original plan to train her companion dog, Keesha. Keesha will not continue training as a service dog, but will become the family dog and another animal will have to be purchased, but the upside is that the new dog will have already been trained except for learning to work with Kenzie. These dogs are very expensive, and that is the reason for the family working so hard to raise money. They are well on their way to reaching their goal of $10,000 to buy the dog, but the expenses won’t stop there. Such an important animal will need good food, and veterinarian checkups on a regular basis, so the maintenance bills will be ongoing.
Other fund raising efforts are also ongoing for the service dog project and you can help by purchasing a wonderful cookbook called “Heavenly Delights” for just $12. They are available at the Rosburg Store. They make excellent gifts.
Kenzie’s parents, James and Lorinda Alexander of Cathlamet also do T-shirts as a fund raiser. You can contact them at 795-0575, for more information.
Though I had spoken to Clara Berkshire, Kenzie’s grandmother on several occasions, I had never had the pleasure of meeting her in person. It certainly was a pleasure to finally make her acquaintance. Lorinda wanted me to let her parents know how very much she appreciated all the work they did to help out with the sale. It’s pretty obvious that the whole family is all on the same track as far as helping Kenzie become an independent young lady.
The Fourth annual Columbia River Country Days sponsored by Friends of Extension and Wahkiakum 4-H will take place from Friday, September 30 through October 2. For more information you may contact the Extension Office at 795-3278 or Carol at 465-2275.
The Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch that meets at Rosburg Hall will be dining on meat loaf, whipped spuds, gravy, veggies, hot rolls and dessert on the 14th. On the fourth Wednesday of each month from now on, this group will meet at the Valley Bible Church in order to defray some costs. On the 21st they will enjoy spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays lunches are served at the same location and are sponsored by CAP.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to the following celebrants this week: Travis Adair, Jack Gilbert, Susan Chapman, Jeff Bjornsgard, Doug Condon, Collette Beaulauier, Justin Finley, Teresa Trimble, Amanda Dodson, Jason Gardner, Joana Fauver, Bill Wuorinen, Darlene Ammer, Paula Rogers, Shawn Gilbert, Clair Stephan, Stephanie Noll Grabenhorst, Cole Dorman, Gerrad Lemon, Sean Welsh, Sheila Kilponen, Edna Miller, Paul Costello, Mariah Corbin, Joe Helvey, Jeff Linquist, Jason Ammer, Eugene Saari, Regan Wirkkala and Rachel Katyryniuk. I hope each of you have a very special day.
Wishing a very special day to my good friend, Penny Gregory as she celebrates another fine year. I hope you enjoy a perfect day, doing whatever you want to do, and not what you think you have to do. Thank you also for all your efforts in our community, and for your friendship.
Happy Anniversary to these couples this coming week: Steve and Roxy Forbes, Scott and Colleen Smith, Ted and Sally Swanson, Craig and Shawn Costello, Greg and Karen Nelson, Dennis and Kerry York, Bill and Diane Pratt, Mike and Gail Queener and Eugene and Linda Strong. Wishing you many more.
We have received confirmation that our son, Shane is now back in the USA from Iraq and will be at Fort Lewis for a few more days before coming home. So many other families aren’t as lucky as we are to have our kid home safe. This is one down and one to go. Our great nephew is still in Afghanistan and hopefully will be home within two months. Our sincere thanks to all the service men and women who are risking all to keep our country free. Every time I see a member of the armed services I tell them thank you and I think everyone should make that a habit. Just saying.
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